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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

"He is right! United we Stand, Devided we Fall! Together as a clan we shall defeat all of those that have wronged us! We must come together as a group and then, and ONLY THEN shall we be stronger than all of our enemies! Now, I say that we follow Varnal and create our own clan, the Varnites! Followers of Varnal! UNITE!"
((Blood rituals are only cool if we summon something. Maybe we should summon Darkrai. :P))

Gervais plucked a scale, with blood at the end that was in his skin, and tossed it in, to appease the old Flygon. "Varnites? Sounds ridiculous. We should all be equal in this.", Gervais contended.
((I tend to get post ninja'd a lot. >_O))

Chirin dug his hoof into the ground, fired up by the Flygon's words.

"I'm with you all the way!" he said passionately. "This is what I want to do. What I've always wanted to do! I want to be a part of something great!...But the Gabite does have a point. Shouldn't we all be equal, here?"
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"Fine then, Distincti(Latin for different). We are a mish mosh of all different Pokemon, but together, the Distincti Clan can rise to be an equal! We should first try not to make war, for war leads to the path of evil! We sould attempt to UNITE all of the clans, under ONE government! An elected government, where WE get to choose, and if the others do not wish to take part, then we may fight, but only to unite us all, and not to kill our brethren!" Inferno was getting pumped about his own speech, and so was Shelly.
"Let's not worry about the name of our group yet," Blast stepped in between the Gabite and the Blaziken. He knew that if a fight broke out before their group even got started yet, this whole thing will end as a failure. "The first thing we need to do is make a plan. The Clans are obviously more powerful than we are, and they have way more Pokemon with them."

Haktor chuckled coldly at the side. "Honestly though. Distincti Clan? Government? Government my ass," the Skarmory spat, puffing up his feathers and pulling himself taller. "You know that governments never end up well. They kick out the minority and suck up to the powerful. Why do you think we are here now? Because the government loves you?"

Blast glared at Haktor. The metallic bird rolled his eyes and pulled his feathers back. "Really though, enough talk. Let's find a way to defeat the Clans."
"Shedding blood to ally? Hmph. It does not make sense. Injuring one to befriend another? It is ruthless." He looked down at the drops of blood and swayed a bit in midair before shaking his head and returning to his original position.
Inferno got angry at Haktor. The fire shot up from his fists and turned blue. "You wanna get some?" he challenged the Skarmory.
((D: Does that mean I'm not accepted?))

Sorry, looks like I missed your form. Accepted.))

Ruby said, "I get to have a say in this also. I agree with Varnal, but I was the one who brought us together. I think that I have a right to be leader of this Clan. The problem is, all the other Clans have better names than "Different." We need an element..."

"How about Darkness?" Tigerflame asked.

Ruby nodded, after thinking for a moment. "Darkness..." she repeated. "Sounds good. Do we all agree with this?"
"Now this is something I dislike," said Za. He didn't have any attacks to use, and couldn't use Defend order or the like, due to his lack of underlings. "The battling must stop."
"I do not agree with darkness, because I do not believe it is an apt name, considering Shelly and I are the complete opposite of darkness."
"But does it really matter?" Chirin piped up, "Whatever name we have, it's just something we identify by. It doesn't have to say something about us personally. I'm sure most of us aren't very dark, but it does fit, seeing as we've been cast in the shadow of the other clans."
Haktor smirked, and, with a flap of the wings, leaped into the air, completely dodging the Blaziken's attack. "I would suggest that you don't attack your allies. Who knows, I might save your life in a battle sometime." Haktor landed a few feet away and folded his wings once again. Blast just shook his head with a sigh.

"Honestly, we shouldn't be fighting over a name." Blast said, loud enough so that everyone can hear. "We have bounded our selves by blood. The ones we should be fighting are the other clans, not our own." The Charizard sighed. Really, he was hoping the group would turn out to be better than the Clans. However, it seemed like it was the same everywhere; chaos, hatred, and madness.
"I will not shed my own blood," said Za. "Why would I do that when I could be recieving allies that could easily kill me if they wanted to?"
"Then leave us," Haktor replied, glaring at the Vespiquen. "If you do not wish to join, leave. You might be an enemy, too, have you thought about that? And have you ever realized that you could easily kill us all, too?" He walked next to the Queen Bee. "We are all risking our lives here trusting each other. A seal in blood can not be broken. Either you join, or you leave. However, I must warn you, if you do, you might be seen as an enemy," Haktor's grin grew wider. "I'm pretty sure you won't want that."

Blast stood to the side, watching. Haktor seemed to be having a good time. In fact, he seemed to be more cheerful than when they were alone by themselves.
"Don't try to sweet-talk me," he said. "I will join the group, but shedding one's own blood is not something which I am open to. Wipe that grin off your face; would you like it if one's ally was killed by them?"
"Haktor is correct. Seal or leave. If you choose to leave then be warned, if I see you again I will destroy you on sight."
Ruby looked towards Za. "It's your choice. We may be allies now, but one day we may meet in battle," she warned, although dipping her head in respect.

She looked up. "Now, all who agree to ways of making a new Clan shall swear allegiance. All in favor, say 'aye.'"

Tigerflame just nodded, knowing that his pal could tell what he was thinking.
Za hung his head. "Shed blood or be enemies. Fine, I'll do it." Reluctantly, he used a Fury Cutter to cut his arm, and let the blood mix with the others. Afterwards, he turned away, picking up a leaf and wiping away the blood around the cut. A tear slid down from his eye; he would regret this eventually.
"Aye!" Chirin added happily. He turned to the Vespiquen.

"Don't worry," he said, "I can't speak for everyone, but I would never hurt you. You're one of us now!" He smiled.
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