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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

"Actually, I didn't know you were here. I'm actually surprised, you don't seem like the type who likes to leave his turf.", Gervais remarked, "Survive. I'm amazed I lived too."
The air felt tense between the two. Gervais relaxed, though, as starting off on a bad foot here struck him as a bad idea.
Varnal heard another voice and turned his head, seeing a Blaziken approaching. He snickered at the greetings.
"Based on how many others now want to -kill- me, that wasn't a given. Still, I believe in the saying, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." He turned back to Gervais when he said that, smirking. "Why are you surprised I'm here? I have my own reasons... and I even helped to spread the word about today's meeting."
Stormfeather spiraled down into Center Hollow. Apparently, the exiles were meeting here, and there seemed to be a few here. She landed at the edge, and decided to approach quietly. If the other exiles even thought bad of her, it would be even harder to stay alive. Storm padded silently towards the small group.
"..." A large orange dragon and a small gray bird hovered over the dried plains, the wind gently brushing their wings. Then, the bird squawked; he had found what he was looking for. With a swish of the tail, they changed directions and began to decline.

The trench, known to all as the Center Hollow, was deep and dark, but it was wide enough so that the Charizard and the Skarmory could descend into it with ease. They landed next to a rather Flygon. Strange. Flygons are so rare these days -- the only ones they had ever saw was in a story book.

"Greetings," the Charizard was the first to speak. The Skarmory just nodded his head.
Storm went up to the group of Pokemon, hold her head up.
"Are you the exiles?" She asked, and realized she sounded cocky.
Too late to take it back, Storm thought, and faced them.

Guess they didn't hear me Oh, well, I'll see them at the bottom.

Chirin, feeling considerably happier, skipped down the crevasse, reaching the bottom, where he saw a Flygon and a Gabite talking. A fair ways away, he saw a huge creature with bizzarely feathered wings landing. Soon after, he saw two more creatures landing, an odd metallic-looking bird and an orange dragon with a tail-flame. Chirin smiled confidently. They're big, but I can zap them all if I need to...

"Hello!" he said brightly to all present. "I'm Chirin! Nice to meet you!"

He turned to the large, feathered dragon. "Yeah, I guess so. I was kicked out, if that's what you mean..."
Storm nodded.
"I'm Stormfeather, but you can call me Storm," she introduced herself to the Flaafy. She turned to the Charizard and Skarmory. "Hey," she said nervously. They looked formal, like they were facing SkyClan.
Varnal stood up, standing about 8 feet tall, and looked down around at the other Pokemon around. It had already become quite popular, and he grinned. No doubt some of them have had similar experiences with the Clans. "Yes, this is the place. I am glad you all could make it." He tried to get the 'party' organized a little bit, and spoke loudly and authoritatively. "My name is Varnal, if there is anyone who hasn't heard of me. I have lived nearby for the last two decades, after being brutally chased out from my childhood home, in Earth Clan territory. Everyone else, why don't you take turns and tell me more about you."
Storm nodded.
"I'm Storm, I was in the Air Clan as a Shelgon, I evolved a few days after joining. I had these feathered wings," Storm flapped them to show the others. "And I was kicked out a while later." She looked around at the Pokemon.
Gervais sat and introduced himself, "I'm Gervais, born of the Earth Clan, but I decided to leave, when I figured Varnal over there had the right idea.", indicating Varnal. He then sat back, ready to listen to the others' circumstances.
The Charizard and the Skarmory exchanged looks. "I'm Blast," the Charizard said gruffly, "And I --"

"The name's Haktor, I've been chased out of the Air Clan and Earth Clan because I'm a Skarmory," Haktor said, cutting Blast off before he could say anything more. The Charizard eyed Haktor, and the Skarmory shook his head. Blast sighed.
"Well," the Flaaffy said confidently, "Like I said, my name's Chirin, and I used to be a part of the Fire clan. I lived there my whole life, and I liked to spar a lot. One day I was fighting one of my friends, and I accidentally hurt him real bad, 'cause I wasn't thinking. This hadn't been the first time it happened, but for some reason, I was kicked out. They said I was 'too aggressive'."

((Disregard that. Not leaving.))
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"I am Inferno, banished from the Fire Clan after my father was exiled and later killed. And this is Shelly, who was banished from Wind Clan after her mother had an affair with a Wind Clan leader and was brutally executed."
Name: Lucienne (sometimes goes by 'Lucy')
Gender: Female
Species: Vibrava
Allegiance: Earth
Biography: Being the daughter of a Trapinch that never evolved and a Pupitar, Lucienne was thought to be like her mother, who would never evolve. However, after training vigorously, Lucienne became a Vibrava, disturbing her parents(will be explained in the quirks section).
Lucienne refused to evolve for a while, wanting to learn as much as a Vibrava so that she could be used to flying as a Flygon. One day, she met Jaci, a handsome male Nincada. The two became great friends, and even planned to become mates as they got older. However, Jaci was killed when he accidently was digging around and surfaced in the Fire Clan's territory. Lucienne dove into a state of mourning, refusing to eat, drink or train for three weeks. Then she claimed she saw Jaci come to her in a dream and say that she needed to move on in her life, find someone else and live life to its fullest. Afterwards, she stopped dwelling in the past and started training again.
Personality: Other than the fact that she daydreams, is amazed by Varnal(she never saw what a Flygon looked like before, only heard that she could evolve into one, and can't believe that he used to be a Vibrava just like her), and is pretty shy, it'll be PO'd mostly.
Quirk(s): Her parents were disturbed by the fact that Lucienne had evolved into a Vibrava. Since she grew wings, they thought she would turn on the Earth Clan and join the Air, which was foolish since Lucienne was completely loyal to her Clan. However, the rest of the Earth also thought she was going to turn, and there were rumors that she was actually a spy of Air. With this being thought, they exiled her for growing wings.
Other: She's really close to evolving, and may becoming a Flygon in about a week or two.


Name: Artemis
Gender: Female
Species: Gallade
Allegiance: Former Psychic/Anything Clan
Biography: Artemis was normal as a Ralts and Kirla, absolutely normal. She had an older brother. When he became a Kirlia, he obviously wanted to become a Gallade. After exploring forests near the clan area, she found a Dawn Stone buried under some leaves. She picked it up and went home to give it to her brother to use. When she got there, she realized she'd evolved into a Gallade with it. Her parents tried to hide it, but it was impossible. That day, Artemis was exiled from her clan.
Personality: PO
Quirk(s): There's the obvious fact that she's a Gallade, and even then, an odd looking one. The light blue part of her "helmet" is shorter than normal and mostly unnoticeable. The green "helmet" part near her face looks like a girl's hair, and it looks like she's wearing a skirt (Instead of the usual waist... kilt.. thingie) or a very short dress. She has blue eyes.

Accepted! :D

((What's the way we insult Pokemon, in Warriors, it was mouse-brains, so...))

This has nothing to do with Warriors, and it's not SkyClan, it's the Sky Clan.))

The shout startled Ruby, and she began to fall, but Tigerflame noticed, and in one impressive bound, caught her and placed her on the ground when he landed.

Ruby shook herself off. "My name is Ruby, and I was exiled for my tail..." she swung it in front of her face, "And my bright coloring."

Tigerflame introduced, "And I'm Tigerflame, her friend from the Fire clan."

Ruby nodded. "I think that we should either form a new clan of Exiles, or get back into our old ones. All in favor of the former, say 'I'."

"I," Tigerflame called. Neither of them noticed the faint blue shape soaring against the sky....
Center Hollow. Center Hollow. Center Hollow. Center-
Artemis was running, looking around, hoping to be alone. She was lost ("How? I grew up so near here!") and just now had a pretty good idea as to how to get to Center Hollow, it involved crossing part of Fire territory. One plus of being the "Gallade freak" that she saw herself as was that she could run faster and was stronger.
After a while she slowed to a walk, carefully making her way down into the trench. There were so many Pokemon there, like her. Different.
We're all the same because we're different. A whole new type of Pokemon!
She went closer to the Pokemon, looking and feeling lost and out of place.
A clan of exiles...

"Aye," Haktor said without blinking an eye. Blast, however, seemed a bit reluctant to agree. The Skarmory nudged the Charizard, "Just agree. You wouldn't want to get mauled here. There's not enough space to fight."

Blast sighed and swished his tail nervously. "Aye." Noticing a Gallade walking past, Blast nodded a greeting.
((Oh, my bad, I just finished rereading Outcast... I'm in a Warriors mood. XP))
"I," Storm agreed. She'd definitely fit in better here, then at the Air clan.
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