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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

Artemis folded her arms and jokingly answered.
"Hey, what are you talking about? I'm just a very casually dressed Gardevoir!"
Actually, she was a bit hurt at being called "improperly gendered", but it was true.
Stormfeather laughed, and went to greet the oddly coloured Gallade.
"So are the rest of us, in a way. I'm Stormfeather, but I go by Storm."
"Thankfully, or I'd really be feeling like a freak. I'm Artemis."
Artemis was grateful to Stormfeather for making her feel less awkward.
Wow, this is getting pathetic. C'mon, you're not that shy and awkward, are you? ...Yes.
Upon hearing the suggestion for a new clan, Varnal grinned widely, showing off his fangs. "How convenient. That was my plan all along." He began to walk around, making eye contact with each one separately for a moment. "We need to band together. To build our own society. And eventually, we can get back at those who have wronged us so. Those who we placed our hopes and dreams in, then shattered them in an instant." The Flygon made a fist, squeezing his claws to the point where his paw bled slowly in three separate places.
Za hovered over to Artemis. "By improper, I mean... something that's not normally there... it's not so bad though." He smiled a Vespiquen smile.
"Hey, I don't want to get back at anyone! Well, maybe. But it was only the leaders that made me leave. Not anyone else, really. That wouldn't be fair! We'd be doing the same thing to innocent Pokemon that some did to us. We'd be tyrants!"
Though a little revenge against the Pokemon that made me leave.. That would be nice. But not whole clan! Not my friends. Or my family..
She shook her head and answered Za,
"I know, I know what you meant. So, we're both one of a kind. Mew, I wonder what my hypothetical kids would look like. Freakier than me, do you think?"
She asked, pulling at the end of her "skirt".
((Holy crap, Kali!))
Storm nodded.
"I agree with Varnal," she announced. "If anything, we're even better than the clans!" She unfolded her feathered wings to show them to everyone. "I can fly as good as any Staraptor, Pidgeot or Fearow, if not better. Every one of us was exiled because we're better."
((That just made Storm seem a lot older...))
EDIT: X2 Postninja'd.
Za buzzed loudly. "For me, I know that Honey can make sick Pokemon feel better... but I'm going to need some Combee."
Haktor nodded. This Flygon had ambition, hate, everything needed for rebellion. He smirked and walked next to Varnal. Plucking a feather from his breast, he let his blood drip from the shaft, joining the crimson blood of the Flygon that had dropped to the ground. "The only thing we can do is fight. And the only thing we will do is fight." Haktor screeched, the feather dropping from his beak and slowly drifted to the ground."So join us, brothers and sisters! Pokemon from far and near! We will fight, yes, and take back what is rightfully ours. We will show the Clans what we are really made of!" His eyes blazing, he looked at the group of Pokemon in front of him. "Now who's with us?"

Blast stood up and stretched his wings, walking to join Haktor. "Count me in." He said simply.

((X4 postninja'd! D:))
Storm plucked a feather from her wing, and joined her blood with Haktor and Varnal's. She nodded to everyone else.
Inferno and Shelly wanted revenge. Inferno used his claws to cut himself and put his blood in with Varnal's. Then Shelly used magical leaf to cut her wrist and joined blood.
"Fine," Ruby said, defeated. She sliced her own shoulder, letting her blood drip onto it. Tigerflame pecked repeatedly at his hand, letting a few drops fall into Ruby's also. "Together, we will succeed!" He cried.

Alarmed, the blue bird soared back to the north-east.
"What do I do? Fury Cutter? What are we doing with blood!?" Za felt a bit queasy.


Peruzhan gazed at the sky. "Harmless."
"I gave in to the rest," Ruby replied hotly. "I think we shouldn't attack."

The blue bird soared into camp. "Avia!"

A large, brown bird with a hook on its head faced the returning Swellow. "Yes, Toree?"

"A band of rogues appear to be planning an attack!"
((Wow, I missed a lot. o_O))

Chirin's eyes flared as he let out a manic smile. A chance to get back at that damn Arcanine...I like the sound of that. Something tells me I'm going to like this Flygon.

"Aye!" he shouted, as he took his back hoof and nicked his front left leg. The blood ran down the very thin fur and mingled with the blood on the ground.

"Let's do this!"

((Well, this has gotten a bit dark... :D))
((Kali started it! >.<))

Haktor grinned. Everything is going quite well; most of the Pokemon are with him. He nodded at the Flygon, "Your call, Varnal." The Skarmory wasn't great at planning, and he knew that. Better let the Flygon cover his back than head blindly into battle. For some reason, he trusted that Flygon.

Blast, however, stood disdainfully to the side. Haktor was going a bit over board, more than usual. Haktor usually not that violent, Blast thought. But he shrugged to himself and tossed a bloodied scale plucked from his neck into the pile. He'll do anything he can to get out of that stupid snotty Fire Clan.

"You miss the point, Vespiquen. The mixing of blood symbolizes unity and brotherhood." He stared down at him. "And what's your name? You've been chatting around while missing the big picture."
Speaking louder, to everyone again, he continued. "Listen up. The road to unity will be long. We cannot just rush in and die in a blaze of glory. No, that is just what they would love best, to be rid of us once and for all. In our current state, we don't stand a chance in a full-out war. But we will build a clan worthy of ending this war and uniting the island underneath us. If you are not ready to dedicate your life to this cause, leave now... find your own way in life. Because once we start down this road, there is no turning back.
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