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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

(( Is it possible to get a map of the area, Darksong? ))

Hellsike woke up in his cave den from the sun shining in his eyes. He yawned quietly, stretched his body and then marched out outside. The sun made his fur shine beautifully like gold.

The Hunters all slept in one cave, Kiuda was in one of them, half awake, half asleep. She stood up and stretched. She then shoke her body and walked outside to see Hellsike, the Leader of the Fire Clan, stand on a big rock, facing the sun. Pfft, show off-er. She thought and walked to wake up her older sister, Kibi.

"Kibi, wake up." Kibi wasn't a Hunter nor a Warrior, just a regular member. Kiuda pushed the six-tailed Vulpix' head. "Meep?" Kibi yawned. "Wakey, wakey." Kiuda licked the hair 'roll' on Kibi's head. "Okay, okay..." She slowly stood up and stretched. Kibi was slightly bigger than Kiuda.

Hellsike, after enjoying the sun some more, peeped into the Hunter's Den and saw all the Female Pokémon sleep. "WAKE UP!" He roared, "YOU SHOULD BE HUNTING NOW, LAZY BUMS!!" All the Pokémon changed from sleeping to being wide awake. Most of them grumbled something like: "Yeah, yeah..." "Just let us get ready, 'kay?" and "Why do we have to wake up so early?" But got up none the less.

The Vulpix sisters, though being in a different cave, could hear Hellsike roaring. "Meep! He's angry, you better get going!" Kiuda whimped. "I suppose, but you get up before the Leader sees you." All the other Pokèmon in the Regular's Cave awoke from their deep slumber.

Meanwhile, a few miles/kilometers (I really need a map T_T) away, Kyuub jumped from tree stump to tree stump. She was unaware of the meeting the other Exiles had, and just wandered around from place to place. She had to, if she stayed too long in one area, she could be found and killed by other Clans.

Kyuub didn't know exactly where she was, though she thought she was in the Air Clan territory somewhere, because there were a lot more bird and bug Pokèmon there.

She continued running and jumping through the forest until she came to a clearing, where she settled down. Wow, this place is huuugee... She thought, as her red eyes moved towards the shining sun. The Pokémon here are lucky, especially those who are in a Clan. They are protected by their fellow clan members, while me... I am hunted. I am never free... I have to flee, move, run all the time, and I can never feel safe.

She observed a Pidgey fly high above the treetops...

Lucky Pokémon...
((I think he meant Kyo.))

Blast grunted. Really, Pokemon these days. Shelly could have at least moved the stupid pile of glass out of the way before blowing it up. She could have hurt their allies. The Charizard shrugged and walked next to Tigerflame, kicking away some burnt Pokemon on the ground. "So, should we kill them --" he gestured at the fleeing Air Clan, " -- or should we leave them be? Killing them might be a bit rash, but it would save us from quite a bit of trouble."

Haktor grinned at Varnal, still in the air. "Nice sandstorm," he commented. Haktor was unhurt, his steel feathers protecting him from attacks and flying glass shards. He turned and looked at the fleeing Pokemon. "Really, that wasn't bad. We put up a pretty good fight."
((I missed the entire fight...))
Storm landed beside the exiles, and folded her wings.
"That was.. interesting," she huffed. "It was nice to fight the Air clan."
((That's all right. We'll say you were fighting all along, if it makes you feel better. And by exiles, I mean the ones that are different.
Yes, I can get a map. The territories are about half a mile to three-quarters of a mile on each side.))

Tigerflame said, "Something would tell me that not killing them would be better. If one of the four original clans were to disappear, who knows, maybe something would be thrown out of balance."

Ruby nodded. Now who to be leader...?

"We need a place for camp," she said. "Down here would be okay, except for the fact that once in a while, all the clans gather here. We need something more hidden, and with prey and foliage. There's a mountain range to the east, I know, but we would have to go through either the Fire or Water territory to get there."
Kyo embarassedly shuffled her feet.
"I... um... I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier... I didn't know the Air Clan was attacking..."
Why don't you have a sense of time? she scolded herself inwardly. You probably just got yourself kicked out of the new Clan before it even settled!
"Well, they did just kinda come out of nowhere," Chirin said, shaking glass shards from his wool and licking his wounds. "Don't blame yourself. We were just as surprised as you were. If you're an exile like us and have nowhere else to go, of course you can join us." He smiled at Kyo through his pain.
Varnal glided back down to the ground of the crevice, gazing around at the fallen Air Clan Pokémon around, then at the victorious new clan. "Well, I must say, I'm impressed with nearly every one of you." He then glared at Inferno and Tigerflame. "Except... what were you thinking, melting the rocks like that and forming glass? Besides the fact you could have trapped us inside... had that glass shattered... we could have all been skewered gruesomely. That was way too risky." He then turned to Shelly. "Were you the one who was controlling that glass wad? Way to go... you saved us!"

He thought about what the Delcatty had been talking about, leadership and territory. He decided not to speak about the former, but his grin revealed that he was at least thinking about it. "I have been guarding my own small territory just to the west of here, on the border with the earth and air clans. We could stay there for the time being, though I'm not sure how long it can support all of us. In the meantime.. " Varnal reached down and picked up the body of a fallen Staravia, then tore off its head with his jaws and swallowed the head whole. "There's plenty of food here... better not let it go to waste."
Inferno turned to Varnal. "It worked, didn't it? We beat them, and we may not have, if it wasn't for that. And it was I that instructed Shelly here to control it." Shelly nodded at the truth of this.
Blast nodded and swallowed a Pidgey whole. "True. Anyone who eats meat should hurry up and stuff themselves, because the other Clans seem to already know about us, and they probably will get here soon." The large orange lizard then went ahead and feasted on several of the burnt carnage. "Better not waste precious food, since all the good places with prey are all taken up by the other Clans."

Haktor was, however, not at all amused by Shelly and Inferno's choice of attack. "It was way too risky," the Skarmory said bluntly. "If it wasn't for Tigerflame's Protect, many of us might have been killed." He turned to the Blaziken. "And you, quit swaggering. The battle's not over yet. In fact..." the steel bird smirked, "It had just started."
"Are you challenging me? I of all people know that the battle isn't over with the clans. But we can win. and that was an excellent strategy."
((Um, guys, they were just knocked out, and most of them flew away.))

"Well, what matters is that we didn't get hurt," Ruby said to Varnal. "But we'll be sure not to do it next time," she siad in defense of her friend. She glared at Haktor in warning, then shrugged, since the only dead prey had been taken.

Tigerflame was irritated by Varnal, but did nothing. He crossed his arms and said, "The problem is, I think that west is in the opposite direction we want to go. Even if we venture to your territory, it might not have enough prey, and it would be useless to go there, making us end up as if we had dawdled here before leaving east. It depends on how far it is."
((Oh. Opps. Blast already ate them.))

"Blowing everyone up, including your allies, is an excellent strategy? I never knew that before," Haktor said, sarcasm dripping off his voice. Blast shook his head and stepped in between them.

"What he meant is that you should be more careful with your attacks from now on, since the Clans outnumber us by quite a lot, and we can't afford to lose any allies," the Charizard explained. Haktor was just too hard-headed at times.
"Stop bickering," Ruby meowed. "Let's not make enemies between ourselves now."

((That's all right. There were some anyway. But those were the only ones.))
"It would have worked better if it was planned better. Once you guys feel the sandstorm starting to heat up you fly away, trapping some in the glass, and then beat others with it, and blow it up to KO the rest, while we land and are protected. Sound like a better plan?"
"I can't fly," Ruby said, slightly annoyed. "And I can't get up that fast either." As if to prove her point, she looked up at the walls towering above them.

Tigerflame looked up also, distracted by the sky.
When he heard the word "enemy," Za was sad again. He had cut himself to make friends. Had that been a wise choice? He still wasn't sure.
Stormfeather nodded to Ruby and Tigerflame.
"If you need a quick ride, I'm willing to give you one. But don't expect me to be your mount," she offered. Glancing around, she reached down and swallowed a Pidgey at her feet.
((Someone notice that Za looks a bit sad already DDD: I want this to be epic like when he refused.))
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