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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

"Hello!" Chirin said to Yukim with a bright smile. We don't need another one who's too uncomfortable to do anything... "I'm Chirin! Nice to have you as a part of the group!"
"Thanks!" Yukim said, and smiled back at Chirin, still using his feminine tone. "Might I ask what you're planning to to do? I'm pretty curious!"
"Inferno? that's a good name for you!" Yukim said, still smiling, "I just hope I won't cause any trouble"
"I.. I'm Lucienne. Some call me Lucy. It's nice to meet you, Varnal." Still surprised, she said, "Are you one of the exiled also? I've been exiled for a few weeks." Maybe she shouldn't tell them everything, just in case.
"I haven't seen a Pokemon like you before," She mumbled, not really thinking.
Kyo heard the others introducing themselves through her deep thoughts.
"Oh, um... My name is Kyo. That's pronounced KEE-o."
((Whoa! Five whole pages while I'm gone?))

Haktor squawked impatiently. He's ready to leave this place before any other Clans attack, but the sudden arrival of several newcomers is holding them back. He decided to introduce himself first. "And I'm Haktor. Nice meeting you guys. And please don't mind the carnage around here, because we just had a rather nice battle."

"And I'm Blast," the Charizard added.
"Yes," Varnal replied. "I have been exiled. I haven't been a member of a clan in a good twenty years... probably since before you were born." What was it about her... that seems so familiar... I just can't figure it out.
"Come, why don't you join us. We're preparing for a little journey." For some reason he felt comfortable saying everything in front of her. "This way for now." He began to fly back down into the hollow.
((We know that, but our characters don't.))

"Ruby," The Delcatty introduced, dipping her head in respect.

"My name is Tigerflame," the striped Combusken said.

"We are the Darkness clan," Ruby explained, "A group of exiles from different origins. We all have Clan blood, so we created the Darkness clan. But we're not very organized yet..."
"Twenty years? Wow," Lucienne blinked, following Varnal down to the other Pokemon. A little journey? Us? Did that mean there were others with him? She smiled, buzzing along behind him. It would be wondeful to be with other Pokemon again; last time she saw the Earth Clan was when she tried to sneak back in only four days ago, and was chased back out.
Varnal paused, and held up the Staravia he had been holding onto. "Oh, are you hungry, Lucy? You can have some of this bird if you want. We just had a fight with the Air Clan... so things are a little... messy... right now."
Lucienne smiled as Varnal used her nickname and offered her the bird. "Yeah, I've been getting off on berries and other fruit after I was exiled. Meat would be good." She tried to ignore the bodies around her, the cold scent of dead starting to rise. "Thanks, Varnal," She added to be polite.
Varnal landed on the ground, and overheard Inferno's blabber. He found himself surprisingly standing up for the Vibrava. "Come on, she just found this place. She was living in the Earth clan until just a couple days ago." He placed the headless Staravia on the ground near Lucy. "Here you go..."
Haktor stood next to the Flygon and the Vibrava. It's quite obvious that Lucienne had never seen a Flygon before. But then of course, this is the first time he had seen a real-life Flygon, not a picture of one.

"Well, Lucy, we're currently planning to leave this valley for another territory. As you can see, it's not really safe here anymore," the Skarmory said, gesturing at the falled Sky Clan with his wings.
((Thank you :3))

After waking up the Hunters, Hellsike peeped into the Regular Den to check if the Pokémon were awake. They were. Good. He trotted over to a big rock and laid down on it to sunbathe. "HEY HUNTERS, you better go hunting NOW, LAZY BUMS!!" He growled.

Kiuda stared at their Leader. Yeah, while they were hunting for food, he was laying down on a rock, bathing in sun. "Pfft..." Lazy bum, he calls us. He should look at himself. She though, before trotting off into the south to hunt. She called back to Kibi "I'll be back as soon as possible, and then I'll have some food with meh!"

Meanwhile, Kyuub had started moving again. She jumped from tree trunk to tree trunk and rock to rock, before she stopped. She smelled something in the air... Blood...

Probably some Hunters from the Air Clan who have killed prey, I better avoid going in that direction... Or maybe... She thought. Maybe I can get myself an easy meal... As far as I know, only the Fire Clan have Hunters go hunting in big groups. Maybe the Air Clan have groups of only 2-3 Pokémon for each hunt, and right now, they may be injured from fighting the prey. The thought was tempting, and she was hungry, after all. She decided to go in that direction. It was risky, but if there was only 2 or 3 Pokémon there, she would be in luck.
Lucienne bit into her Staravia, taking a chunk out of its side. Ugh. Feathers. She swallowed it anyways after chewing for a while, thankful for meat. She buried her face into the feathers of the bird as Varnal stood up for her.
"I was late, I guess. I overheard some wild Pokemon talking about the exiled coming together for a meeting in Center Hollow."
Hearing the Skarmory, she dared to look at the bodies of the Air Clan, cold and still. She decided to tell them of her banishment from the Earth Clan.
"I know how hard it's getting. My own parents told the Earth Clan that I was a threat to them, that I would join the Air Clan. They probably think I did run off to join them after I was exiled. I wonder how they'll think when they hear that the Air have been slaughtered. Will they think that I died also? Would they care if they did?" The young Vibrava spoke up.
"So, when will we go west? I believe that we should eat our fill and then go." he said, and then picked up a starly and started going to town.
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