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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

Ruby twitched her ears. Meep? I like that word.
"Anyway, we are the Darkness clan," she introduced, dipping her head. "Exiles are welcome to join as long as they don't pose a threat, and you definitely don't look like one."

Tigerflame nodded. "My friend here isn't very good at words, so if you need help translating, ask me."

Ruby didn't seem to mind his interruption. "He's Tigerflame."
Za was silent, refraining to introduce himself. These Pokemon acted like trading allies for blood was nothing.
"All right, we can continue these introductions later," Varnal called down to them from the air, about 30 feet from the ground. "Right now we have a job to do, and don't forget it. If any of you slow land-dwellers needs a ride to the top, speak up now. Otherwise, I'll see you later." Varnal noticed how Za had been reluctant all day to participate with the group, but he didn't show any sympathy for it. He just wasn't in the sympathy business.
Stormfeather laughed and jumped in the air. She flew above them all, and spiraled back down to the ground.
"Come on," she teased, and flew back up.
Za didn't move, but he wanted to be the first out of this hollow, the one with the untruthful spilled blood of his untruthful allies. Slowly, he climbed the slope without touching it, and waited at the top. He did not do this for long, though, and backed up about five feet afterwards, as if there was some sort of poison spreading from the edges of the ditch.
Tigerflame suddenly grabbed Ruby and jumped to the top, then let her down.

Startled, Ruby didn't react for another second until she stood up and twitched her ears indignantly. She could have gotten up by herself...
Chirin, with surprising agility for his species, leaped from rock to rock, and before long reached the top of the hollow. He took a look down to see if there was anyone left.
Kyo clumsily began to climb out of the hollow. She had never been built for climbing; she was much better at swimming.
She moaned as she reached the top.
Yukim silently flew behind, still not having said much, still not thinking it was necessary to say anything either.
((I'll just pretend I didn't miss a jillion pages, 'kay? :sweatdrop:))
Artemis ran up to the top of the hollow, breathing only slightly hard than before. She still wasn't used to being so big and tripped over rocks a lot, but was still surprised how fast she could run, compared to before.
And they finally are leaving. Haktor took off into the air and followed the crowd. Blast looked around and saw a Poliwhirl panting at the top of the ravine. "Need help?" the Charizard asked, "I can give you a ride if you want. Just don't use any water attacks on me while I'm flying."
Varnal, satisfied with no response, shrugged and flew off, out of the hollow. He began to head east with the others. "Be on the lookout for any ambushes... Air Clan might still be on the lookout for us."
Za let himself be in the back of the group. He didn't want to be noticed by these other Pokemon. Whoever they were, they weren't his true allies.
Ruby remembered something then headed towards Za. "I think I've figured it out. Some people call it "blood brothers" or sisters or whatever. But I don't think there's any way to be truly connected, just by blood. Is that what you're upset about?"
Za said nothing. He was going to state that they bought each other, and he didn't want to be a blood brother. It was plain wrong if this was the way it had to be.

Connected just by blood? Ugh. How wrong, foolish...
Za didn't answer, and Ruby decided to walk by him, just in case. "I don't really believe in it, either. I don't see the point." She looked over regretfully at her right shoulder, which was towards Za. She had cut it to shed the blood needed. Now, what were they to do?
Za didn't raise his eyes to her right shoulder. He was staring down a bit, at the ground. If he could, he would kick up some dust.
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