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Open What is our destiny? ~ The Exiled

Za started hovering about, taunting the Arcanine. After the Swagger, he attempted a Power Gem. It hadn't worked so well before, but he would try. Slowly, small rocks encrusted in the ground and rose from the earth like raindrops in reverse. He swatted at the Arcanine, although he wasn't close enough to actually touch it. Immediately the stones shot forwards and pelted the dog.
Inferno saw something that shoked him when the Fire Clan moved in. Shelly leading the group. She betrayed them, probably for glory. She probably tipped off the Air Clan too. Inferno lunged at her, and hit her with a weak Fire Punch. Just then, he was tackled by a Typhlosion, and couldn't get up. "Za, Ruby, Help! Redeem yourselves! And get this abomination off of me!"
"Redeem ourselves? Why, exactly? We're completely loyal," Ruby said, using Attract on the Typhlosion. As the Fire Pokémon was distracted, Ruby let loose a Thunderbolt, careful not to hit Inferno.
"I do not redeem myself in a group of no allies," said Za. He used another Power Gem, and put all his concentration in it. The rocks were larger this time, and bulleted towards the Typhlosion's head at full force. "Ruby, quick! Attack!"
Ruby used Tackle, hoping it would work. Meanwhile, Tigerflame was using Double Kick on a nearby Raichu, trying to distract it from Thundering Za.
Chirin jumped to action, running forward at full tilt and rammed a Magmar right in the stomach.

"Glad to see you're actually fighting, Za!" he said, "Maybe this will get your morale up!"
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Morale?! Za thought, but said nothing. What's a morale?

((Full tilt! *crash* I meant to do that!
| / _))
"AAAHHHGGG!" Inferno threw the Typhlosion off of him. He then jumped up into the air and hit Shelly with a Sky Uppercut. Shelly was thrown up in the a re really high, and when she finally came down, he hit her with a Blaze Kick, and she fell on the ground, motionless. Inferno paid no attention to her and continued to attack other Pokemon.
Leaping off the fallen Magmar, Chirin ran about, shooting bolts at any enemy within range. He reared up on his hind legs and slammed against the Typhlosion. In the corner of his eye he thought he saw a Togetic.

No time for that! We'll get to her later! he told himself as he continued his assault.
((Aw man, something of possible importance happened without me there!))
Stormfeather heard the exiles yelling, and turned around to see the Fire Clan attacking.
"Shit," she hissed, and ran into the battle. She used Dragon Claw on the first Pokemon she came to, which was a Dragonite. Spinning around, she used Dragon Pulse on an Infernape, and followed with an Aerial Ace.
"RETREAT!" a small voice yelled, and was then silenced. It was Shelly's. She didn't want any more Pokemon to die. They all started falling back. Inferno ran up to Shelly and grabbed her tight.
"That was easy," Ruby taunted, but the exiting Pokémon paid no attention. A brave Dragonair tried to use a last Dragon Rage at her, but before the serpent could act, she pushed it along with an Ice Beam.

((I apologize to those who missed this. It was a short battle though, and didn't have any super-super important results.))
"Shelly. How could you betray me, who took you under my wing when you had nowhere to go. I don't understand."
"I was never exiled. I was let go. They thought that there was going to be a rebellion and wanted someone on the inside. Someone innocent. Like me."
"But then why did you help destroy the wind clan?"
"Because, the Fire Clan gave me a better deal."
"So you just betrayed everyone! I don't believe this."
"Well, you should. And now that I have martyred myself like this, I will be blessed by the gods. I can die in peace."
And that's just what she did. The nefarious little Pokemon died, surrounded by enemies. Then something unexpected happened. Inferno begun to weep for the loss of Shelly.
Ruby walked over and rested her tail on Shelly's forehead. "I hope she finds somewhere nice to say," the Delcatty mewed, bowing her head. Tigerflame breathed embers softly, trying to warm the body, as if the fire would bring it life.
((You wanted your epicness, you got it.))
Stormfeather lowered her head and backed away. This had nothing to do with her, she'd stay out of it.
((I am satisfied with my epicness, and now we can return to the plot at hand.))
Inferno got over his crying, and incinerated Shelly, and spread her ashes all over the battlfield, and moved on.
((oO That was quick...))
Storm nodded to Inferno, and jumped into the air.
"Let's go," she said quietly.
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