Kung Fu Ferret
The Sultan
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- he/him/his
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Parasect... It's less of a bad design thing and more like when the authors succeed at making you hate the bad guys. It's a deformed undead bug controlled by a mushroom.
That being said, I absolutely despise the genie trio. I hate their designs because they all look alike akin to how Sonic characters have the same frame, and it's not like the other weaker legendaries where they aren't used that much, they're freaking everywhere in competitive play; I can't escape their ugly mugs lol
anything alti likes
Its nice no 'cute' or 'beautiful' pokemon are being posted in this thread...Really, i sort of expected they'd be disliked a little :x I'm glad people mostly dislike ugly pokemon it seems though. Thats how it should be, if you ask me.
Ugly pokemon need love too!!!!!!!!!
also what is zigagoon if not adorable. cmon man. look at dat face.
None are my least favorite, actually. I like all Pokemon, so. Eh.