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What to Say to Random People you Looked up in the phonebook

Call Pizza Hut and whisper "If you ever want to see your family again, send 3 large pizzas and a bottle of pepsi"

EDIT: Oh hey, why is this in the "Forum Discussion" forum?
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Call KFC and say "I like pie"

Call the first number your eye lands on when you open the book to a random page, then scream "THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" and slam the phone down

call someone with a surname starting with a random letter. When they pick up the phone, ask them if their surname starts with that letter. If they say yes, scream I KNEW IT! and end the call.
Don't do this one. It'd get you in legal trouble. I'm posting it because I found it funny.

I didn't make this one up, but...

"The explosives are set. Proceed."
"Hi. I'm looking to speak with George Washington."

"What do you think Abe Lincoln has to say for himself with this new crisis and a fake president?"

"The KKK is back! Get out of the house!"
Call a random number and ask if someone is there. (it doesn't matter, I'll use Bob in the example, but in can be any name you want). Just pester the hell out of em, like say "Is Bob there? I need to speak to Bob. Are you sure he's not there? Can you take a message?"

Do that for as long as you feel necessary, then call the same person back about 10 minutes later and ask "Hey, this is Bob. Any messages for me?"
Call the local fish and chip shop and ask for a piranha with extra batter, then scream something random and pitch the phone at the nearest couch.
Ask them if they like Mudkip, LOL!
Call a radio station and tell them to pray with you to stop the slaughtering of Mudkips. (Look up "Pray for Mudkip radio station prank call" on YT) They will pray,trust me...
Ask the Local petshop if they sell Snorlaxes.

or call someone up and ask them "Do you sleep like a Snorlax?" and if they get it, you just made an epic prank call to a fellow nerd.
Call a nearby doctor-like business and say "Help! I think I'm an it!" and say it like you've got no gender. XD
Call the FBI hotline and say: "I know who you are. if you don't give me the money, I will hunt you. I will find you. And I will kill you.".
Since my mother's last name is Jefferson, we usually get this one a lot;

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