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What would you be in the Pokemon World?


  • Pokemon Trainer

    Votes: 27 39.7%
  • pokemon contest winner

    Votes: 4 5.9%
  • Pokemon Ranger

    Votes: 6 8.8%
  • Proffessor

    Votes: 3 4.4%
  • Grunt/Leader

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Gym Leader/Elite 4

    Votes: 7 10.3%
  • Pokemon Collector

    Votes: 3 4.4%
  • other.

    Votes: 16 23.5%

  • Total voters


Is taking you from behind.
If pokemon were real, what would you grow up to be in the world?

Me i'd like to be a ranger.
I dunno, get a cool styler, what do I get being a trainer? a bunch of pokeballs and an encyclopedia I have to fill in myself.
I'd probably be a coordinator. (That's what you were going for with the "contest winner")

I'd travel the world, doing whatever caught my eye. Train up my team of course and try to find hidden treasures and locations, as well as rare Pokemon =) I wouldn't immediately grab them of course - some things are best left wild/untouched.
Of some reason I'd like to be a gym leader, it might have to do with the fact most gym leaders are well respected in their towns, and they actually don't stay in the gyms all the time, Fantina, for example, goes to the contest hall, Volkner goes to the lighthouse and in the anime, Maylene is sometimes out training with her Pokémon. I actually think they have quite a nice time.
I've always wanted to be a breeder.

Eh, I guess because bay Pokémon would be cutest, and breeding them to become cuter would be fun :3
I'm kinda patient as well and you get to see Pokémon going at it.
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A trainer, I guess. You can do almost anything as one; coordinate, breed(the Pokemon =P), etc. And whenever you catch a new Pokemon it'd be a wonderful experiance, as would battling with your closest friend, your Pokemon.
Combination of a Professor, Gym Leader, and Coordinator please. I know it's alot, but here's how I'd make it work. I'd take up Gym Challenges most of the time, but in my spare time I'd train for and enter contest. On days off an the like, I'd do rsearch as a Professor and tend to giving out starters in my local town, that is if the twon or region I lived in would allow me to. So Professor Gym Coordinator it is!
I've been tempted by Gym leader now, but i've still gotta stay with Ranger. The uniforms cool too!
Trainer, because that way I'd get to travel and see the world and things.

...and fulfil my dream of being Poke Kid Danielle XD
I would be a professor/researcher, as that's what I'm going for with real animals anyway, but I'd also like to be a ranger (as in the main series) or maybe a gym leader
Trainer of course :3

I wouldn't want to be a Gym Leader or Elite Four member. Sitting in the same place getting thrashed day in day out? No thank you :3 It'd be much more fun traveling around, meeting new Pokémon, having battles and pwning the n00bish trainers who hang around whatever region I inhabit XD Then after thrashing the E4 and Gym Leaders I could go on to grab the Legendaries it never occured to anyone else to go after. XD

I was tempted to say Team Rocket member, but all that ever happens to evil teams is that their plans go crap and they get their arses kicked. (Plus I'm too nice to be evil XD)
I'd like to be a trainer more than anything. Roaming across all those regions by myself, training Pokémon to all they can be and beating challengers along the way sounds like a very nice career path. When I'm finished with being a trainer, probably after a climatic battle with my rival that's been around since the start of my adventures, I'd probably turn myself into a Pokémon Professor. Learning about the amazing race and helping new trainers find a starting foot sounds like a good idea for when I run out of steam.
I doubt I would train full time, but I'd probably battle competitively in school before going on to do something else, maybe a novelist or journalist. I wouldn't mind being a competitive battle sports writer for a prominent newspaper.
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