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What would you be in the Pokemon World?


  • Pokemon Trainer

    Votes: 27 39.7%
  • pokemon contest winner

    Votes: 4 5.9%
  • Pokemon Ranger

    Votes: 6 8.8%
  • Proffessor

    Votes: 3 4.4%
  • Grunt/Leader

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Gym Leader/Elite 4

    Votes: 7 10.3%
  • Pokemon Collector

    Votes: 3 4.4%
  • other.

    Votes: 16 23.5%

  • Total voters
I'll be a traveler, like Dark Shocktail. I travel around without a goal, with only my trusty Pokemon by my side... Exploring new places, finding treasure and exquisite Pokemon in the wilderness...

I personally isn't a "stand in front of tons of people on a stage" type, and I don't really like the responsibility of a Gym Leader/Professor/Elite Four. And Collecting Pokemon is just... Not right. And being a Ranger is too bothersome. A trainer would be nice, but getting random people to challenge you when you're trying to get through the stupid Victory Road of death is not fun.
I'd be a trainer/traveler. I wouldn't train my pokemon 24/7 or have defeating the Elite 4 as my main goal, but I'd train my pokemon as I explored forests and mountains. I like to enjoy nature =D
I would be a Co-ordinator but also researching stuff on the side. So I'd be going around doing contests with my pokemon, training them for the contests and exploring and researching ancient ruins.
I'd be an uncatchable PHANTOM THIEF who uses ghost Pokémon in heists~

I'd steal rare Pokémon-related treasures and such, keeping most of them but donating some of them to organizations I happened to like~

And my Pokémon would help me because they like getting up to mischief, too. WE'D BE FAMOUS~

... But if I couldn't do that, I guess I'd be a trainer/explorer type person. Travel around and look for treasures and such. Beat down other trainers when I felt like it. Go on some epic mission involving a legendary Pokémon, etc...
I'd be a traveler too, I guess. I'd have two or three Pokemon. If I needed to use an HM to get past some tree, I'd catch a Pokemon, teach it the move, then let it go.
Or I'd just be a normal person with a normal job and some pets.
A professor would be cool too though, so I chose that.
Trainer. Coz you can battle or just like chill out with your pokemon when you wanted. and meeting and catching new pokemon would be awesome. And a Pidgeotto would save me a lot on bus money :grin:

I would of gone Gym Leader/ Elite 4, but it'd be boring, battling trainers all day, then having to be like 'you have beat me. You have truly shown your strength.' all the time if someone beat me.
^ Yeah, I mean it isn't like the thread is about what you'd want to be as a human, would it?[/randomnessnessness]

If I could I'd be a Princess. I could do whatever I'd want to, and pay people for what I want. Like if one day I wanted to be a Gym Leader then I'd go buy the position for a day. Money~
A coordinator until I'm about 35 or 40, then retire as a coordinator and take up a job at Jubilife TV or Silph Co., then maybe, a few years later, if I feel like it, become a contest judge.
I'd be the almighty Bug/Steel Elite 4 member with the ultimate team of:
Heracross, Lucario, Yanmega, Metagross, Scizor.

(Team included for no purpose other than that I can)
I'd like to be a legend hunter, travelling on my young Rayquaza companion, whom I saved as an egg...I actually created a whole backing story.
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