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Where do you eat? How often?

Most of the time, we just eat whatever mom cooks here at home. Every Monday is pizza night, though, so Dad brings home pizza from Pizza Hut or from Fox's Pizza Den (a Pittsburgh based pizza chain that I didn't even know to exist until some time last year), and every so often, when Mom doesn't feel like cooking, Dad'll bring home Taco Bell, Long John Silver's, Panda Express, Steak 'n' Shake, Arby's, or City Barbeque (a small barbecue chain that seems to be exclusively Ohioan). Oh, and sometimes he brings home stuff from Noodles and Company (another smallish chain).
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Man, I wish I could eat asian food more. There's this awesome asian restaurant in my area that has both a sushi menu and a thai menu! But my parents are all EwWwWwW RAW FISH!!!111 and... I don't know what the hell their issue with curry is, but that's out too. :|
well we usually eat at home. nan's a very amazing cook and whatnot, so home food's very nice. we eat out maybe one every other week if it's a big place, and some fridays i stop to get a slice at the local gino's.
My parent's are at work for most of the evening during the week, so I sustain myself with whatever I can salvage from the kitchen. I've been eating that Easy Mac stuff a lot lately...

On Friday my mom usually brings home some fast food, hopefully Taco Bell. Weekends are just sporadic.
My mom's a stay-at-home mom so she cooks us some amazing asian food everyday (: A lot of rice and assorted other asian things.

Sometimes we buy TV dinners and save them up for like, snacks or emergencies, but we barely ever eat out.
Most of the time my mom cooks dinner for us, although sometimes my dad, my brother, or I do. We use fresh and natural/organic ingredients. When we don't cook, we either make pizza, order pizza from a great local place, or get burritos from Chipotle. There's also a great small chain place called Mexico Restaurant that serves fresh and more authentic then normal Mexican food.
I usually have food at home, however I do usually have one take away per week. Rather from a Fish and Chip Shop, KFC, or McDonalds.
I eat everywhere in my house - just little snacks, like cookies and such, that my mom buys by the box. As for meals, my mom only cooks once a week - she finds it hard to figure out what to cook, since it's only us, we don't eat much "proper food", and I'm extremely picky =3

Other than that, my mom occasionally brings something else home. We only really buy things like Chinese food or fried chicken when there's some sort of occasion, or we're expecting someone over. I occasionally buy things like fries from McDonald's, or popcorn chicken from this place near my school that's been famously nicknamed (locally) "The Chicken Spot".
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