2v2 single
Style: Set
DQ: 7 days
Damage Cap: 35%
Banned Moves: OHKOs, Earthquake, Draco Meteor (moves that would change the terrain signifigantly)
Arena: Forina
A large, cavernous valley in Hoenn with large pillars of stone shooting up from the ground.
This is the resting place of Jirachi as it sleeps for millennia in a cavern. As such, Steel- and Psychic-type moves are boosted by 2% here. Jirachi’s power to grant wishes is evident here as well: if a Pokémon is below 50% in both health and energy, there is a 2% chance each round that that Pokémon will have its wish subconsciously granted by Jirachi and regain 10% in health and energy.
Also, each round there is a 15% (5% each) chance that a wild Absol, Flygon, or Nuzleaf will pop out from the rocks and use a 5% Dark-, Dragon-, or Grass-type move on a random battler.
So, uh, basically
this and
Pathos, after recalling his Magnemite, throws out another Poké Ball—Or more specifically, a Great Ball. Out of it pops a nice little ball of white fluff, which looks out at the world curiously.
Round Eleven Begin!
Team Whirlpool ØO

[Flare] Larvesta (F)
Ability: Flame Body
Health: 24%
Energy: 94%
Status: Keeping on Chillin’, even though she isn’t tired. Special Attack -2. Special Defense +2. Badly poisoned (Light; 1% this round, 2% next); Seeded.
Team Pathos ØO


[Holly] Cottonee
Ability: Prankster
Health: 100%
Energy: 87%
Status: "This is too easy."
Holly looks up at the sunlight. That would make an easy way for Flare to heal herself. But that would be bad. So she hops over to the Larvesta. “Hey,” she says in a confrontational tone, “What’s wrong? Are you too scared to attack me? What was the point of doing all that lying around last round? Are you gonna try to actually win this thing? Or are you just gonna sit back and cower like a baby?” As she hops back to her side of the battlefield, she is pretty satisfied with her speech.
Flare gapes at her opponent, dropping the idea of healing. That little twerp would have the gall to insult her about not attacking, when all it did last round was attack indirectly. And that stupid fluffball was the one that FORCED her to only Chill the last round. How
dare she! Instead of forming an Morning Sun, the Larvesta gathers a huge fireball , and shoots it at Holly. Upon contact, it explodes into the five-pointed Kanji for “Big”. It’s even bigger due to the sun, which is helping the attack along. Holly gasps feverishly in pain, even after the blast is gone; her leaf is
ruined! It’s still there, but a live flame sits on it, painfully for her. Thankfully, it doesn’t look like it’ll spread.
Maybe, Holly thinks,
if I make myself bigger, the flame will grow smaller by comparison. It seems like a viable strategy for her, and the Cottonee begins to grow, until she’s about a foot taller and the rest of her body is that much bigger. She’d have no trouble putting power behind her attacks now, but unfortunately her burn has increased with her body. Dang it, that thing was supposed to go away!
But Flare isn’t done yet. The Larvesta opens her mouth once again, and spews out a large ball of fire. Once again, gathering power from the sun as it flies toward Holly, it hits the poor puffball and explodes into another 大, burning Holly even more. This time, however, the pain seems to be reduced somehow. Holly isn’t sure exactly how, but it doesn’t hurt as much. Maybe that Growth really did help. At least it doesn’t provide another burn this time…
Even if that last Fire Blast didn’t burn her, she’s had to live with this burn for way too long. She’s pretty angry about that. Suddenly, in a quick burst, she leaps forward, albeit slower to cause her less pain, and turns her pain into power, headbutting Flare as hard as she can out of revenge for her Burn. The Larvesta is thrown back a few feet, and immediately shoots another Fire Blast at Holly in retaliation. This one, however, misses her by a little and hits a rock wall instead, scorching a nice 大 on it. She’s getting tired, though. She doesn’t know how long she can keep this up.
Round Eleven End!
Team Whirlpool ØO

[Flare] Larvesta (F)
Ability: Flame Body
Health: 4%
Energy: 73%
Status: Barely hanging on. Special Attack -2. Special Defense +2. Badly poisoned (Light; 2% this round, 3% next); Seeded.
Team Pathos ØO


[Holly] Cottonee
Ability: Prankster
Health: 67%
Energy: 72%
Status: "Owwwwwww……" Attack +2. Special Attack +2. Burned (Severe; 3% per round, extra energy on attacks requiring movement)
Damage and Energy Calculations
•Taunt: 4% energy
•Fire Blast: 27% damage, 7% energy
•Growth: 3% energy
•Fire Blast: 27% damage, 7% energy
•Façade: 15% damage, 8% energy
•Fire Blast: 7% energy
Arena Notes
•There is a very large crater in the middle of the arena.
•Sunny Day again would have just renewed the existing sun.
•The first Fire Blast burned Holly.
•Holly hit the damage, cap on action 2.
•The third Fire Blast missed.
•Whirlpool, in your commands you said “if you get taunted on action 1, switch to Fire Blast (
x3). So Flare used Fire Blast thrice.
•Façade’s power was boosted due to Holly’s Burn. However, that burn impaired her movement, so it got a slight reduction in power.
Next Round:
•Pathos attacks
•Whirlpool attacks
•I ref