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I remember whining for a month back when GSC first came out, and I couldn't beat her. This time, I came well-prepared and still had a bit of issues, but she was a pushover this time compared to 10 years ago. Perhaps that's just because I've grown up, though. :P

My starter worked wonders in HG. Bayleef's Reflect + Protect + Synthesis allowed him to outstall Miltank until a lucky Razor Leaf critical'd. Took two tries, but it worked.

In SS, I had my Arbok paralyze it with Glare, switched to Quilava and spammed smokescreen, healing as needed, then switched back to Arbok who proceeded to crush with Screech + Headbutt. First try here.
I had a female Quagsire for the battle, and as a result all Miltank did was repeatedly Stomp, and she was a joke.
I will say this once and once only.


That god damn Miltank made her ONE OF the hardest gym leaders there is (Not THE hardest... Fuck Juan's Kingdra, fuck Liza/Tate as well). She was hard as shit i don't care what you say.

But it's not even just that - it's her god damn attitude. She wanted to become a Gym Leader, then she goes and fucking cries when she loses? Did she really expect to win EVERY SINGLE BATTLE? Fuck, if she's that arrogant, she should just apply to become the Champion. You're the third gym leader - yeah, you're hard, but people are going to beat you. Don't fucking apply for a job as a gym leader then whine and bitch and piss and moan when you have to give out a badge. Christ, someone PLEASE call the Wambulance on this bitch.

tl;dr - i hate whitney
She wasn't all that hard to beat, just annoying.

I kept on using crunch with Scales, my Arbok, and she kept on healing herself.

Damn attract set me back a few turns, though.
I beat her on my second try. I put miltank to sleep and it worked. The first time I kept trying to confuse it, but even confused it still hit. It also works better to put a female pokemon against, so attract doesn't work.
I had a hard time with that dang miltank too. that rollout attack she dose is devastang. it took me like 3 trys to beat her. I dont like whitney either
Does anyone know if her Miltank still has Milk Drink in HG/SS? Because that's what always made it difficult for me. >:(

She's awfully hard and I hate her but she's been easy thanks to most of my strategies. One of them is just getting a defensive/rock type/steel type pokemon and taking hits, but my favorite one is getting someone with Sand-Attack or Smokescreen and spamming them until Miltank can barely hit anything, and then just taking her down with some female Pokemon.
Does anyone know if her Miltank still has Milk Drink in HG/SS? Because that's what always made it difficult for me. >:(

She's awfully hard and I hate her but she's been easy thanks to most of my strategies. One of them is just getting a defensive/rock type/steel type pokemon and taking hits, but my favorite one is getting someone with Sand-Attack or Smokescreen and spamming them until Miltank can barely hit anything, and then just taking her down with some female Pokemon.

Yes, it still has Milk Drink. Oh, and a Lum Berry. Yeah, that was a (not so) pleasant surprise.
I just beat that damned cow to death with my Typhlosion. But yeah, I remember when I had a two-year old copy of Silver, that whore was so tough it reduced me to tears. What, I was 5!
I personally never had trouble with her, but I HAVE heard the Whitney Horror Stories. *scream*
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