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R/B/Y Worst battle, breeding and training mistakes

In Emerald, more than a year ago (I've had it for three years or so) I caught a shiny Poochyena, but restarted because I didn't know of shinies at the time. D: Good thing I caught a Shiny Shinx about a month ago to make up for it.

I can't remember anything else.
I was around eight years old and I decided to find out how the PC in the Pokémon Centers worked once and for all. I ended up releasing my shiny Butterfree by accident. Not a good day.
Using Blaziken and Houndoom against a friend's Venusaur and Blastoise and betting £5.

I wasn't expecting Earthquake so I lost on the 2nd Turn. Fuck.
First time I played pokemon, - playing red version, - I thought it was a great idea to only teach my pokemon same-type moves. Charizard had Ember/Flamethrower/Fire Blast/Fire Spin.
Shiny Charmander in Firered that my friend stupidly traded for a Glameow...Which I stupidly released, thinking her game was glitch and would carry it over to mine... :(
Getting a Shiny Trapinch and finding out about EV training shortly after...

...Only to end up not EV training her, then finding out in Emerald, AFTER she reached level 100, that she had near-perfect attack

x.x I had a competitive shiny that I wasted x.x

Same here on Yellow. But in a different order. XD

I keep accidentally using moves that have no effect on the type I'm fighting, e.g. Shadow Ball on Normal types, knowing full well they don't work. XD

And I never really got into using moves which don't do damage either.
At first when I saw this topic, I was all like, pff, I don't make mistakes. Oh, but I do. Big-time.

-First off, naming my Pokemon ALLCAPS names, although that's not a serious issue, nor is it exclusive to GSC-- it's a habit I didn't shake until late RSE.

-Naming my Cyndaquil FIERY, then thinking it was spelled wrong and changing it to FIREY. Later on (like, this year) I found out that my first spelling was correct. Heh.

-KOing Sudowoodo and the Red Gyarados. << Yep.

-Using the Master ball on Ho-oh, and later on when it came to fighting Lugia I was just like asdfjkl; THIS IS HARD

Um. I think that's it. ON TO RSE

-Sapphire version. I shoulda gotten Ruby. D:

-So my main team consisted of Blaziken (VOLCANIA, who was a GUY), Pellipper (SEAWING), and Plusle (ADD). They were amazing, but ADD's moveset was something like Thunder Wave, Thunder, Spark, and Thunderbolt. Of course. Actually, all of their movesets sucked, not just Add's.

-Running into a Trapinch with the aforementioned Add in front. Arena Trap ensued, and with my all-electric moveset I couldn't do a thing to hurt it. I had to catch it.

-Sharking rare candies and raising my team to Lv100. >.< One of my worst mistakes.

And uh no more patience so let's go on to D/P, at which point I was a little more experienced so there's only one mistake that stands out in my mind:

-Using Palkia and a mountain of revives to beat the E4. That killed the fun in a serious way.
I never really seemed to make any mistakes now I think back...like a month before getting the games I went on GameFAQs and actually read like half of a walkthrough before even starting the game. I really didn't want to mess my game. I also searched for tips on GameFAQs and got stuff like 'Save often' so I saved often. I'm so boring.
Gah, the Wii sucks for quoting parts of large posts. Anyways, Involuntary Twitch, when I saw that Plusle's name, it made me think, "XD Attention Deficit Disorder the Plusle!"

Hmm... Another mistake:

I had nearly every box on Emerald full of Magikarp eggs for sacrificial trading purposes. I restarted with most of them unhatched D: One could have been shiny!
Teaching Pertsch (my Empolon) Surf, Aqua Jet and Waterfall >.< . It still has those moves today. Also, my cousin traded it to me, and one of its moves when it was traded over? CUT.

No wonder I try to use my other Pokemon instead of it... But it's OK for fighting Fire-types, not much else.

Edit: Tried to beat the E4 in Pearl, and got SLAUGHTERED by the Bugs and the Grounds. My most powerful pokemon was a lvl. 53 Infernape. My weakest was a lvl. 40 Staraptor. I'd spent too much time training Kaziru and Nyula, and not enough time raising up the others...
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Raising only my Sceptile in Ruby, and I had, like, Pokémon at Level 2 when I got to the Elite Four. My teams are alot stronger now.

It was focuing only on my starter (I had a 70 blaziken. My closest pokemon was lvl. 30, and I'd just catch stronger and stronger wild pokemon of that type. :sweatdrop: ), and teaching important fighters HM moves, which I still sometimes do today.

Never EVER in the R/B/Y and G/S/C games did i have more than one pokemon above 50 when going to Elite four. I just leveled my starter and that was it. Also I never used any moves like double team and thunder wave because i thought they were usless as they did no damage.

That's a mistake? That's how I've ALWAYS played EVERY Main Series game I've ever had, and I never had any problems I couldn't solve with the before-E4-legend and my level 60 (depends on game) starter.
It's best to have a balanced team rather than just your starter. Say Charizard, fighting an Aggron that uses Rock Slide. Boom x2 weakness. Not good.
I killed Lugia and evolved my eevee into a vaporeon. Nothing wrong with that but I only got it to evolve to a Umbreon
It's best to have a balanced team rather than just your starter. Say Charizard, fighting an Aggron that uses Rock Slide. Boom x2 weakness. Not good.
That's what the legends are for.
When I'm done with the normal game, I do develop a true team.
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