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You laugh you lose (aka POST ALL FUNNY STUFF HERE)

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^I saw that happen a few times but I wasn't sure about putting it here. ><
Can I start a new topic?

So there's an airplane. However, the airplane was malfunctioning because it was overweighted, so the crew tossed off a bunch of forks, knives, and a bomb. Then the plane crashed and everyone died.

However, there was one survivor. So he's wandering around, looking for civilization, when he sees a little girl crying. So he asks her why she's crying, and she says that a bunch of forks flew out of the air and killed her cat.

So the man moves on, and see's another girl crying. He asks her the same thing, and she said that a bunch of knives came out of nowhere and killed her dog.

The man keeps traveling and now sees a little boy, laughing his head off. So he asks him why he's laughing, and this is what he says:

"My dad farted and my house exploded!"
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