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Your Oldest Pokemon


What is the oldest Pokemon in your possession?

Mine is a Mew that my friend traded to me sometime between 2000-2002. Somebody gave it to him, he cloned it on Silver, and gave me one on my Gold. I cloned it many times, but when my Gold's battery died, they were all lost...but luckily I traded one to Blue beforehand. Of course, now I have many Mews again thanks to the Mew Glitch, but the one with an OT of Dave will always be that one special Mew. Now it spends it's time being transferred between Blue, Yellow, and Stadium all the time because I keep starting new games. I'm still not sure if it was an event Mew or a Mew Glitch Mew...if it was from the glitch, that Dave (I still don't have a clue about who this guy is) guy knew about the Mew Glitch years before it exploded across the Internet. Oh, and I will forever remember that moveset: Psychic, Fire Blast, Blizzard, and Mega Punch. I still have a tendency to give that moveset to all my Mews. =P
an Espeon and an Umbreon on diamond migrated from leafgreen, which were traded from Colosseum many many years ago
so from liiike, 2004?
I think the oldest you can have now in a curent game is Ruby/Sapphire pokemon. I think my Blaziken is the oldest. If my old Crystal counts though its my Jaws the Totodile
my blaziken from my first ruby file in 2003
EDIT: now thinking about it... i have a ton of really old pokemon on my pokemon stadium 2 memory for my first few files of red and yellow, so some pokemon from around 2000. i didn't keep my first pikachu so it's not that guy anyway
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Blaziken from Ruby.

Traded him to FireRed, then to Emerald then to Diamond. And guess where he's headed.
My Swampert, Swampter, from Emerald. My Swellow is only a few minutes younger, but I'll mention Toree since she's been paired with Swampter for four years. :D I cloned and migrated them both to Diamond.
I really don't know if my Silver is still working, but if so, my Feraligatr from that. I restarted Yellow about a year ago and I don't know where my Red is. My Gold's already dead.

If not, it'd be my Blastoise on Platinum that I traded over from a very old LeafGreen file.
An old Charizard on my Pokemon Red file, from about 1999-ish. The nickname was embarrassingly n00bish... it embarrasses me so much that I feel the need to put it under a spoiler tag. AGOODBAD. In all caps, without spaces. I have no clue why I chose a name like that. But I was such an idiot then...
Mine's a Feraligatr, who had an odd nickname until I changed it to Waterjaw. He's from Christmas 2000.
My charizard princess for firered first file (in platnium now). December 2004
Other than that would be my pikachu Pika Pal from yellow still there. December 2000
My oft-mentioned Swampert from Emerald, Rescuer.

He's like Vinus from Dragon Cave in the sense that he has a bazillion kids :P
If the Mystery Dungeon Pokemon count, then my Ivysaur. If not, then it'll probably have to be my Cyndaquil in Crystal. I hit the mark where your game restarts itself, and I chose Cyndaquil again, but since then I haven't touched the game.
Erm, all the pokemon on the Red version I got given from about seven years ago and all the pokemon on my gold and silver versions.
My oldest one is my Lvl 100 charizard on Platinum. I raised it from a level 5 charmander on fire red, my first pokemon game. I imported it to platinum and I still use it today.
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