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Your Oldest Pokemon

I do believe the oldest creature on my possession was a Charmander-turned-Charizard from my first game of Pokemon a rather good while ago. I do recall ourselves holding excellent adventures together, with realizing we were not permitted to turn on the ceiling fountains in Brock's gym and whatnot. Sadly, I was only able to train my good friend until Level 81 before my copy of the game decided to disappear completely. Oh how I miss that Charizard.
Latios and Rayquaza. Latios from my first ever Ruby file, Rayquaza from my best friend's old Ruby file - she traded Rayquaza to me to beat the Elite Four with and I got it up to level 100. They've been wandering around my copies of Ruby and Emerald for about six or seven years now.
Hmm..my very first one ever was my lv 100 charizard in leafgreen. Oh, those hours at the resort area fighting lv 50's paid off! I brought it in my HG game until i actidentally gave it away.

Charizard, where fore art thou, Charizard?
My very first game was Ruby, which I got when I was 5 or 6. So my oldest pokemon was a Torchic, and is currently a lvl 100 Blaziken. Her partner is my BA Flygon, also lvl 100. They're both still in existence, but I'm too reluctant to get them off Ruby D: They're legends on that game, why should I remove them from their glory?
As with 1/4 of this entire thread, my Blaziken from Ruby(which was the only Pokemon from that gen that I like other than swellow.
My very oldest Pokemon I still own would be a Mew from Red version, only a few years after the release, who was hacked in by a friend of mine.

If you wanna go by the oldest one that I can still use in a modern game, though, it's a male lv100 Raichu by the name of Puka who was from my very first run of Sapphire the year it was released (2003). His moveset isn't terribly good, but I still love him dearly - my first lv100 'mon in the still-compatible gens.

ETA: i just realized that Puka is as old or older than some members here.

I think my two oldest pokemon are Squrt/Squrt a Feraligatr that I raised in Crystal and Rehan, my Sceptile from Ruby. Third would be my Noctowl from Crystal, but I don't think I ever gave her a nickname. D:
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