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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
I like to take control of girls more, so she should be submissive.
No she shouldn't
I'm also not sure what our limitations are here, so I'll just do both. Starting with personalities, I want them to be kind. They have to be willing to be nice to me and treat me like a person and to be able to look beyond the surface. I see too many relationships based soley off of looks and that just makes be feel bad and alone. They also have to be pateint. I can be very immature at times, so I need someone who is willing to work with me. I also want sommeone who is loving. Someone who will be there when I'm happy, sad, angry, etc. Someone who I can go to for confort. Next thing I look for is intellegence. I don't want to feel like I'm the smart one of the two of us. I want someone who can understand me and get what I'm saying. Someone with good common sense. Someone romantic would also be nice. Most relationships I've seen, the people involved only care about sex when it comes to intamicy. I don't want that. I want someone who would be okay with cuddling, playing games, holding eachother. Someone who doesn't only care about sex or hopefully isn't looking for it at all. They also shouldn't smoke, do drugs, or drink. Sorry, that's not my thing and I find people who do that to be...not that smart. *Ducks from all those on the forum who do those things.* Lastly I want someone who can stand on their own. Someone who although they rely on me, doesn't depend on me to fight her own battles. Someone who can stand up for themselves when I'm not there.
Physically I guess one could say I'm fairly picky. They can't be too much taller than me, nor much shorter than me. I'd perfer if she had black or brown hair but any other natural hair color that does look strange ((i.e. no greens, blues, etc) would go over fine with me. They also shouldn't be too dark skinned nor too light. Also can't be too skinny nor to fat, average weight please. I'd perfer it if they didn't have nay peircings or tatoos either, those sort of things just put me off. I'd also perfer if there wore more...modest clothing, none of that tight jeans, short skirts, tight shirt stuff. Sorry, it's just not me.
I'm never gunna find a girlfriend am I?
Hahaha, you just described me, except for the fact that I'm dirty blonde. :sweatdrop: