• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

You're Invited!

Do I have to bring my ears?

I invite you to a Fallout Boy concert. I'm also bolting you to a chair and locking all doors shut and bolting your hands together.
Too many preps.

I invite you to a place where the world is not what it seems... EuroDisney.
*pisses on sign and coughs up hairball* Mraow.

I hereby invite thee to an eternity of being sat on the face by random people, mostly hobos and fat people.
Saorry pal, Aiee became immoune to drugs after leeaving Snakes & Barrels. Awlso I hyad kiddie glawcoawma.

Five points and a cookie for whoever gets both references.
(@Darkarmour's invitation: IT'S BIGGER ON THE INSIDE!)

Also, I invite you to Israel, it might be your homeland!! HOLY WAAARRRSSSS!!!
*eats a fig* Ew, It tastes like a fig newton!

I invite you to a magicle land known as the Himilayas! (Sorry if I mispelled that)
*floats* I wonder if someone will end up shooting my head before it explodes... OXYGEN!!!

I invite you to a dark alley way crawling with tough looking brawny dudes in tutus.
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