• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

You're Invited!

*comes out hypnotised* I loooooove Disney ...

I invite you to the Tower of Terror! (Dreamworld)
They took one kidney each from me and my Pokémon! Who wants a Metagross's kidney, anyway?

I invite you to (Platinum's) the Lost Tower.
*I don't really have a least favorite, so I have to date all of them at once*

I invite you to go on a date with your least favorite Pokémon.
*blob rants about some pretty gravel* Eep?

I invite you to the Pretty Pony Prince Academy. *pretty bell rings instead of thunder* MUAHAHAHA!!
I don't think birds and humans mix well, kthxbye.

I invite you to the soundtrack of Harry Potter 6.
*can barely breathe*

You're invited to serve the jury for the case of "Dora the Explorer vs. Barbie".
Random person- You're so skinny that you sleep in a pencil case!
Me- *wakes up* wait wha?

I invite you to Dust-Bunny City, located behind my couch.
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