• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

You're Invited!

*curls up into a similiar position as the characters in the end of Requiem for a Dream*

I invite you to spend the night at TekTek.org
Stop making me google things, google is being retarded at the moment. Eh, whatever
Oh, hello there, Dopudopu.

I invite you to googles fail problem.
(Apparently the Spanish news sez there was a big viiirus yesterday Hence...why I t'was not here typing my brains out)

I invite you to the song Mr.Blue Sky!
I don't know what that looks like because of stupid May 14. OMG storage key.

I invite you to a rabbit hole.
It's almost as good as chum..... But not quite... Oh wait.

I invite you to watch Charlie the Unicorn with me. :3
Uhhhh, uhhhhh.... KYA I'M SCARED! *hides* They were all staring at me... O_O;;;;;

I invite you to hide behing a couch for eight days!
This is fun. Bliss, bliss, bliss...

I invite you to the inside of the Clefairy doll I found in Team Galactic HQ.
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