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Zac Efron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira


Rubber dinghy rapids, bro!

Okay, there are a million things horribly wrong with this. Let's list some of them:

a) The Akira manga is one of the finest examples of graphic novel from any era and any country. I've yet to see the anime adaptation, but I have it on good authority that it is very faithful. In any case, it was massively, massively influential in the beginnings of the anime fandom in the west. I don't see what another update particularly has to offer.
b) Hollywood, please stop stealing foreign films. You keep doing it and they invariably suck. Reading subtitles is not that hard.
c) Unsuitable roles. Zac Effron is a fucking prettyboy. Kaneda is a drug-taking, lecherous, delinquent biker who regularly beats the shit out of people. I don't see that working very well. although casting Zac Effron as Light Yagami is probably almost canon by this point.

I am suitably unimpressed by this news.
Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira

Your avatar seems inappropriate. My impression is that you are rather mad, bro.

Eh, if it's bad, people won't see it. Not enough to keep it afloat. And it's hard to say it'll give the original a bad name, since DBE pretty much went unacknowledged by fans and non-fans of DBZ.

I have seen the anime adaptation, and I hold out hope that this will be worth watching, because a live-action Akira has massive potential. Either way, I don't know this Efron fella, and I won't cast judgment until I see what he can do.
Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira

Your avatar seems inappropriate. My impression is that you are rather mad, bro.
I'm normally snarky and hate everything, except when people mess with classics. Then I get mad. :(

Eh, if it's bad, people won't see it. Not enough to keep it afloat. And it's hard to say it'll give the original a bad name, since DBE pretty much went unacknowledged by fans and non-fans of DBZ.
Let's hope you're right. No-one gave a toss about DBE; equally, no-one gave a toss about the dire Godzilla remake we had a while ago.

Let the public decide, I guess.

Either way, I don't know this Efron fella, and I won't cast judgment until I see what he can do.
He's in High School Musical. I think that fact speaks for itself. :(
Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira

Zac efron= the most UNQUALIFIED person for a role of thug on or off Hollywood.
Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira

I dunno, you guys. I have no experience in 'Akira', but honestly, for example, Robert Pattinson was in Twilight but he still did a good job in The Goblet of Fire movie. :/ By all means be wary, but perhaps this could be his breakout role?
Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira


Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira

by this point

I really wish they'd just stop casting pretty white people for everything. I doubt Zac Efron fangirls would enjoy Akira. Everyone who is not a fan hates him. Who are they trying to appeal to here and what the fuck are they thinking.
Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira


It's just an adaption \o/ you don't have to go see it
Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira

I'll probably skip it. If they can do a live action remake of Akira and pull it off then that would be amazing, but I kind of doubt they'll be able to. And, like some other people here have said, Zac Efron would not be the first person who comes to my mind when trying to cast the leader of a gang of delinquents.

I personally think it's a stupid idea with or without Zac Efron, but that's just my opinion. I'm not upset about it though.
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Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira

This will probably be bad. Hope it doesn't go through, even though I haven't read/seen Akira. But, also, I kinda agree with Blastoise, maybe this movie will give him a new direction.

But still, WTH Casting Agency?
Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira

Hope it doesn't go through, even though I haven't read/seen Akira

That's possible. After all, it was confirmed originally that Jesse McCartney was going to be Zuko in The Last Airbender, but that changed by the time it was finished.

... wait
Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira


It's just an adaption \o/ you don't have to go see it
yes I know it doesn't have any direct impact on my life and I expected to get a reply like yours at some point. it's a matter of integrity and 'the principle of it' rather than any practical grievances (there's plenty of srs bsns atheism threads for that kind of stuff anyway).

nevertheless, I feel that remaking Akira is part of a disappointing trend in cinema. old films (and not necessarily even good ones) and foreign films are being rehashed.

obviously, on one level it's just motivated by profits, pure and simple. on a deeper level though, there's two reasons for concern. firstly, it's greatly patronising to audiences, who I'm sure are perfectly capable of reading subtitles and renting old films. secondly, it betrays a lack of imagination. I can accept the fact that art needs business to survive, but I wish that this could be an impetus for innovation and new ideas rather than relying on stale old concepts.
Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira

I'm sure everyone cares.

Oh, wait...
Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira

This is not particularly surprising but target audience is a point Rau brought up. Whereas The Last Airbender had a fairly broad audience with the widely-appealing AtLA, Akira has a very niche target audience. I enjoyed it, but I also found it deeply disturbing, and I'm sure most/all tween girls would, too.
Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira

Why couldn't they find a Japanese actor to play a Japanese character in the remake of a Japanese comic that takes place in Japan.

Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira

I'm sure everyone cares.

Oh, wait...
trolls trolling trolls, huh?

Why couldn't they find a Japanese actor to play a Japanese character in the remake of a Japanese comic that takes place in Japan.
because, iirc, they've changed it so it's now set in New New York. which is fair enough, I suppose.
Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira

I think changing the setting completely is as terrible as casting a rubbishy actor for the film to be honest
Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira


It's just an adaption \o/ you don't have to go see it

That and I don't see any reason to believe that Zac Effron will be a terrible choice for this. I admittedly know little about his acting but just because he often fills a certain role due to his pretty-hotness in order to make money from unsuspecting young girls doesn't mean he can't fill any other role. Just sayin'.
Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira

A point you have, Zuu, a point you have. Say what you will about his previous roles, but he IS a fairly solid actor. I mean, granted, the sort of demographic Zac Effron will attract won't necessarily be the same one that the movie itself will want to, but that doesn't mean the movie will necessarily be bad because of it.
Re: Zac Effron to star in Hollywood remake of Akira

I've always been a fan of things done within the country they originated. There's recently been a remake of the Swedish book-turned-film Let the Right One In, which I absolutely adored. The new remake puts it all in America, which I think loses a lot of the chilling atmosphere Sweden offered and takes it away from it's roots. I dunno, maybe it's because I don't see why America has to base everything in America? Urgh, just a personal opinion of mine.

And as for Zac Effron being Light? Not touching with a pole, especially after seeing the Japanese Death Note movies. I honestly do feel that so many things get lost in translation, as you try to rewrite the story around a culture it wasn't written in.
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