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Zangoose, Seviper, and Evolution?

Notice that most of the unneeded evolutions were based off of 1st and 2nd gen Pokemon that didn't originally evolve. In G/S/C, a lot of baby Pokemon were added to non-evolving Pokemon, and now in D/P/Pl, there are a lot of evolved forms of those same Pokemon. Good examples are Electabuzz (Elekid and Electivire) and Magmar (Magby and Magmortar). I didn't see any evolved forms of R/S/E Pokemon (correct me if I'm wrong), because those are all still fairly new. In the 5th gen is when you'll probably see a whole bunch of new evo's of 3rd gen Pokemon.

...and yes, Zangoose and Seviper evos would be cool.
I don't really want evos... the evolution of Zangoose might be less fluffy x3

As for Seviper... it could be ugly ><
I dunno if they'd make an evolution for a Pokemon with 130 base Attack power, but it would be epic. Seviper would be more likely to evolve due to its less prominent stats, but if its rival doesn't evolve, Seviper might not evolve either.
Well, they could have, sure, and they needed evolutions, but I think there were enough in DPPt.
Wasn't there eighteen new evolutions?
yeah theyre confirmed for 5gen god havent u been checking the news?

(this is the only 1 i could find a sprit 4)
I lol'd.

As for this thread, no. We really don't need an evolution for all 450 pokemon [/sarcasm].

Edit: And if they make another Eeveelution, I'm going to scream. The last two were uncalled for, and if there's not a dragonlution, screw it.
...and if there's not a dragonlution, screw it.
And if there's anything other than a dragonlution, I'm going to take my complaints to Japan in the form of a bodybag. The eeveelutions are all meant to be traditionally Special types, so why so many people ask for a ground/rock/any physical type eeveelution dumbfounds me. Perhaps making it evolve through leveling up while holding a dragon scale would be cool, ther eneeds to be more use of certain evolution items.

On topic, i'm kinda mixed between this. Both Zangoose and Seviper are awesome pokeys, and I'm sure that any evolutions added to them would likely go into the OU catagory, but on the other hand, it's pretty awesome to have some pokemon without new evolutions/preevolutions. I'm pretty sure that a Farfetch'd evolution would screw up my opinion of it, just as it did with Magmar.

Bloody magmortar. It doesn't even look like a duck. >:(
I'm pretty sure that a Farfetch'd evolution would screw up my opinion of it, just as it did with Magmar.

Bloody magmortar. It doesn't even look like a duck. >:(

Electivire is even worse; it just looks like a blob. Electabuzz was awesome, dang it!
...I won't even go into Tangrowth...or Togekiss.

There are still a lot who deserve evolutions, though. There are enough no-evolution Pokémon, with more being created every generation, that some should (and will, if they make more generations) evolve. Or, in the case of at least Kangaskhan, get prevos.
Tangrowth and Lickilicky are a little uncreative.
But Magmortar.
Who the hell decided to fuse an obese Chansey and an obese Magmar?
The same person who decided to fuse a blimp with Togetic.
And decided to fuse an obese Chansey with Electabuzz.
And decided that Rhydon desperately needed to grow into a fat rugby player.
Numbers 462-468:
Clue: They are all fat, they are all very close in design, the flying ones look like blimps and the non-flyers look like blobs, etc.

It's like they decided that they needed evolutions and they didn't care how they turned out, so they did a rush job and came out with a lot of similar bad designs. >:-(

Ironically, 4th gen is generally my favorite, design-wise. These seven sum up pretty much all I dislike about it.
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Togekiss is okay by me, but some of them I really hate. Take Probopass for example. Seriously, it's hideous. And also Magezone. It really doesn't fit at all with it's evolution chain.

Staying on topic, Seviper and Zangoose were always one of my favorites. I don't think I'll like it if they evolve.
Probopass was absolutely awful, yes, but that was only to be expected with Nosepass being what it was. Most of the others were awesome before they evolved.
IMO if they do evo's 4 Sevvy/Zang they had better not screw up th appearance. I swear some bricks'll be thrpwn if they do...
And if there's anything other than a dragonlution, I'm going to take my complaints to Japan in the form of a bodybag. The eeveelutions are all meant to be traditionally Special types, so why so many people ask for a ground/rock/any physical type eeveelution dumbfounds me. Perhaps making it evolve through leveling up while holding a dragon scale would be cool, ther eneeds to be more use of certain evolution items.
Good, I like the way you think. xD
I don't really see why it's important for every single pokemon to be up to the best standard in competitive battling. If every single pokemon was a super-uber fighting machine like Garchomp or Tyranitar it'd make the game incredibly boring. I'd rather have pokemon with particularly good traits and particularly bad ones rather than a super-poke with few weaknesses or something.
Also I'm fairly sure if you play in an UU tier you can use pokes like Absol and Zangoose reasonably, but I could be wrong.
^ True. Absol is one of the better UU Pokémon, but with the exception of its Attack stat, all of its stats are below average for fully evolved Pokémon, and most below average for all Pokémon. I think it is reasonable to give evolutions to a lot of UU or NU non-evolving Pokémon. After all, if Scyther can evolve, why can't others?

As for the super-uber fighting machine thing, there are currently only five non-legendaries like that (including Garchomp and Tyranitar), and they're all comparatively difficult to obtain. There won't be more made with cross-generational evolutions, I think.
No clue on metagaming, so...no input from me on that regard.

Personally if they did do evo's I'd like to see some interesting changes, say Zangoose gaining the steel type, and a different ability. I dunno on sevy's part though...
They might make a Seviper evo just to make him suck less...

Or make Zangoose own more. Whichever works more.
yeah theyre confirmed for 5gen god havent u been checking the news?

(this is the only 1 i could find a sprit 4)

Has everyone who posted here noticed this? Firstly, is this post a joke? Secondly, this sprite looks awfully poorly made to be official. Thirdly, if this is real, OMG THAY SCREWED UP SEVIPER! But it doesn't actually look that real to me.
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