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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
Hi rari_teh! Sorry, I don't entirely understand this line of thought. He could be indignant about dying as an innocent, couldn't he? I guess if VM is around tomorrow, he can confirm whether or not Jack was "not mafia" (which doesn't tell us if he was town, but.)I’m siding with Eifie here, Jack is definitely dead and not town-aligned. The indignant look says all – unless mafia can fuck around with the flavour text, that is. The lack of sign of violence can be explained by Psychic Powers, poisoning or pretty much any ninja trope.
and Edgy doctors. I know it all kid and you've come to the right place. But how do i know i should trust you?
I'm being a bit memey and slightly role-y but it's kind of hard to do my role without being very subtle and i'm kind of late so i'm trying to hurry things up
To be clear (and you too @Keldeo), is this an actual roleclaim or just memery? I honestly can't tell at this point![]()
CounterpointI always thought I was more reads-oriented
maybe it's just ToS forums that's super heavily mech biased
I have half a scumread on you and half of no read on EifieAs You Know, HG1 means Hydra Game 1, a game from a few months ago where you, Mist, were mafia and Eifie and I were town. Every account in the game was shared by two people - Eifie and I were playing in the same account, so I'm assuming that's what your "0.5" joke means.
Do you have any read on me and Eifie so far?
Sorry! It's just memery for the moment - it might turn out to be an actual roleclaim, but I can neither confirm nor deny at this point, hehe.To be clear (and you too @Keldeo), is this an actual roleclaim or just memery? I honestly can't tell at this point![]()
If I understand this correctly... what's stopping the mafia from killing VM to frame Negrek as mafia? That almost seems too easy. I'd be cautious about implicating Negrek as mafia immediately if VM dies tomorrow.Womp womp. Now if Negrek is mafia and lying about Jack’s role, guess who’s gonna be murdered by sunrise?