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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
I'm a gray gary![]()
In the meantime, I'd like to start a petition to call mafia "dark garys" and non-mafia "light garys".
This is very nostalgic tbh. Had this been just two years ago, but at the same time (01:29), and deadline at 10:00 or something for some reason, I'd be right with you refreshing the page, eating ice cream and not working on my essay tbhWell, I better start working on my essay. For those who don’t know me, that absolutely does *not* mean that I will sign off.
is that an indie claim tbhI'm a gray gary
Do you have any particular suspects or people you trust so far, and why? I feel like your contributions have been pretty mechanics-focused so far - there's nothing wrong with that, just wondering if you've got any other thoughts.Shouldn't we start to lynch one of those we think to be "dark garys"?
Until further notice, I'll
Sometimes I wonder if I should stop voting my fellow mason, but then I think:
Hey Eifie, how come you're voting your fellow mason?why I'm voting my fellow mason
Hey Eifie, how come you're voting your fellow mason?
Yeah, I wish I could see mine too. :/I appear to have deleted my role PM from the previous TVTropes Mafia game, and I am COLOSSALLY mad about it.