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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
nah depends tbhidk newcomer meta on this site but I think mafia are less likely to be swamped because they have the power of confbias on their side
hwehI've said it like a gazillion times by now!
I don't wanna tell people who might actually play later that they don't get to be a part of all the fun shenanigans of our revival game on d1 when I have basically no suspicions that I feel super-strongly about. It's sad.
Thank ye@Panini I think you can just start here
I honestly don't care as much about doing a Good Lynch today as much as I want to give everyone who's actually here like 72 more hours with the game, hehe. But I'm just being soft I think.Odie isn't a good lynch because mafia have little incentive to save him
oh!*newcomer mafia
I mean I get it, I guess it's just a sore sticking point for me that you'd feel differently about this game for reasons when if you had had this attitude before that would have been nice for me![]()
yesI'm kinda HRnm about Stryke tending to get slotted up/glossed over more than the other low posters
for tv tropes mafia apparentlyso is it like normal for there to be the exact same role twice?
oh okayfor tv tropes mafia apparently
I personally wouldn't wanna write 25 distinct roles if I was Butterfree.oh okay
(let's not tell him about the mashes)I personally wouldn't wanna write 25 distinct roles if I was Butterfree.