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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
is there a reason not touhhh. is there a reason to vote? there is no day-ending hammer here is there? (Or Is There.)
i guess not. my gut is just strongly like why are we voting right now when we haven't even heard what mawile did and when we just established the possibility of redirects in a game this large, idrkis there a reason not to![]()
yeah no i agree! just felt weird about voting >: mostly because i thought we were also waiting to hear from @Stryke in light of yesterDay's eventsMawile was already super suspicious based on the contradiction that came up yesterday, so that's where I'd lean first look right now. If they flipped innocent, then at the moment where I'd look right now would be rari_teh and Stryke.
I think votes only get counted at EOD, so I don't think people could end the day early by placing too many votes on Mawile.yeah no i agree! just felt weird about voting >: mostly because i thought we were also waiting to hear from @Stryke in light of yesterDay's events
Well, on N0, it was pretty random.i’ll be interested to see if people start counterclaimimg today.
rari, can you explain why you targeted who you did?
also interested in a longer explanation about this post (lol unfortunate that i happen to be mentioned in it but the show must go on) since i don't really think it jives with my understanding of the lovers role? the context (as far as i looked back) was that keldeo asked mawile about rari/kyeugh/herbe opinions ("alignment read," not "reasons you may have weird feelings") and this quote was freely volunteered. it doesn't make utilitarian sense to me reading back with What We "Know" Now ... i know it isn't an ultrashade post, but any shade from mawile <-> herbe is bizarre given the situation right?Herbe gives me mild weirdness (not necessarily suspicion). It's just kind of a bit weird to me that he focused so hard on giving an opinion about mewtini with quoted posts to give exact evidence and hasn't even really mentioned much about other people? It could just be an oversight on his end, but I still find it odd. Out of the three, though, Herbe gives me the least level of caution in comparison and would therefore go to the "probably town" amorphous blob, unless he manages to post something that gives me bad feelings.
I know that I'm the one on the line here, but would it be at all possible that your results were modified at some point? We do know that the mafia have someone pulling the strings, according to Seshas' MI information.I am a Private Detective and my power is Stalking Mission. Which means, I’m a regular alignment cop. No quirks that I know of.
LOLthe fact that he still vibed weirdly with a lot of people made me second-guess if the pocket around me belonged to a finely-tailored Italian suit
?Well, I figure Mist says they're out and just left a vote there since they won't be back anyway and wanted to toss something in.
honestly i don't even think we have to rely on MI to wonder about the possibility of redirecting as i said earlier, but idk how we would test this or figure out what's happeningI know that I'm the one on the line here, but would it be at all possible that your results were modified at some point? We do know that the mafia have someone pulling the strings, according to Seshas' MI information.