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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
simply claim to have protected people who didn’t die, and when it fails point at the mafia or suggest redirectionFor what it's worth, I can't imagine why you would want to claim doctor and actually be vig. Unless you're both![]()
hey just out of curiosity how did you find out? unless that would be giving away more than youre comfortable w/ right now which is cool and i respect thati know who the redirector is. i haven’t said so because i don’t know if it’s the right time to reveal that information, or if it’s my place. what do you guys think?
bit harsh, yeah?My theory is that either you were roleblocked/redirected n0 or Herbe is full of shit.
Really not sure why I didnt get stuck with lovers with Herbe, if what hes saying lines up... maybe Mawiles action took precedence over mine ig
i think it would be the first person in the night action lineup? and wouldn't doc go near the end, cause if someone gets attacked, doc heals them afterward. meanwhile motion detector would set up/get stuck first. (also to y'all hypothesizing that he tried to murder me N1: he would still have gotten stuck before stryke came to heal)does it clarify which action takes precedence when more than one person targets you?
how do you feel about people trying to lynch mealso if anyone has questions for me ill answer best i can
not a fan of it, not one bit. didn't think "till death do us part" would threaten to come so soon.how do you feel about people trying to lynch me
it's ok my lawyer is on the phone w/ me right now and he says he can get it to you right away upon my deathnot a fan of it, not one bit. didn't think "till death do us part" would threaten to come so soon.
also i haven't set up your life insurance yet to come to me so i would appreciate some time to set that up
don’t really want to say right now.hey just out of curiosity how did you find out? unless that would be giving away more than youre comfortable w/ right now which is cool and i respect that
idk, wouldn’t rule it out.a follow-up q, but feel free to avoid it if you wish: is the redirector not mafia-aligned then? i'd been operating under that assumption
no qs, but ily bbalso if anyone has questions for me ill answer best i can
no qs, but ily bb
This idea doesn't make any sense to me - what's the point of a motion detector who can't detect some motion?I mean it would make sense in terms of flavor for my role to have presedence, seeing as a motion detector needs to set up and watch for any movement all night, so I wouldn't get accurate results if you healed before I set up.
@Mawile - sorry, I don't understand the above post, can you explain? Also, could you explain your d1 post that was kinda shading Herbe - if Herbe was confirmed town to you, why was his focus on Mewtini weird?To be fair, I also had the issue of having to realize that my flavor text gave me Actual Important Information, so you're not alone there.
I made this meme almost exactly two years ago (when I randed cop in a MFia, fittingly) and finally I get to use itinspect yourself
simple easy