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Forum Revival TV Tropes Mafia Revival - D7

hehe yeah. i mostly was trying to prevent the Epic Scenario of someone reading back and going "omfg why aren't you guys talking about this?!?!?!?!?!" by at least having SOMEone mention it
i know who the redirector is. i haven’t said so because i don’t know if it’s the right time to reveal that information, or if it’s my place. what do you guys think?
hey just out of curiosity how did you find out? unless that would be giving away more than youre comfortable w/ right now which is cool and i respect that
a follow-up q, but feel free to avoid it if you wish: is the redirector not mafia-aligned then? i'd been operating under that assumption
that one kinda goes out to anyone. i just thought it was normally a red role
hey yall i finished my homework and skimming through the thread these things popped up in view:

My theory is that either you were roleblocked/redirected n0 or Herbe is full of shit.
bit harsh, yeah?

Really not sure why I didnt get stuck with lovers with Herbe, if what hes saying lines up... maybe Mawiles action took precedence over mine ig
does it clarify which action takes precedence when more than one person targets you?
i think it would be the first person in the night action lineup? and wouldn't doc go near the end, cause if someone gets attacked, doc heals them afterward. meanwhile motion detector would set up/get stuck first. (also to y'all hypothesizing that he tried to murder me N1: he would still have gotten stuck before stryke came to heal)

i can deep read and offer more thoughts in the future. sorry for going awol while so much was happening
not a fan of it, not one bit. didn't think "till death do us part" would threaten to come so soon.
also i haven't set up your life insurance yet to come to me so i would appreciate some time to set that up
it's ok my lawyer is on the phone w/ me right now and he says he can get it to you right away upon my death
hey just out of curiosity how did you find out? unless that would be giving away more than youre comfortable w/ right now which is cool and i respect that
don’t really want to say right now.
a follow-up q, but feel free to avoid it if you wish: is the redirector not mafia-aligned then? i'd been operating under that assumption
idk, wouldn’t rule it out.
Hey. Too tired to go back in much detail, so here's my take on mech stuff.

I know it's weird with Negrek's result and the flavor text, but I kinda don't think Eifie was a vig? She would absolutely shoot people regardless of her sentiment about wanting to keep folks around, because it's the #mechanicallycorrect thing to do. I don't know what that means wrt Negrek, though... I can't imagine why Negrek would lie about Eifie's trope? So I guess what I'm thinking is that her result got changed somehow, but that's kinda weird.

I also kinda doubt that Eifie had an alignment inspection ability because she seemed pretty unsure of her hypocop n0 on Mist. So I think I'd agree with Negrek that it seems more likely that something not involving her own power convinced her of that clear on Ultracool. I guess "vig, but you die if you shoot a townie" is a possibility, but it seems like kind of a mean role in a game like this one with weird information stuff going on.

Assuming that Herbe and Mawile are actually lovers, I think it makes perfect sense that Herbe would say that Mawile is town, no matter what either of their alignments are or what they know about the other, for simple self-preservation.

I'm still... not really sure what to think about the Mawile motion detection/Stryke healing Herbe business. I actually kind of believe that Mawile is telling the truth about his role regardless of alignment, because multiple "no motion" claims is pretty bold, but then I don't see why he would have gotten the wrong result result n0. (alternatively, as mewtini/Negrek have posited, he's lying about his role and wants to out townies with actions since he's already on the chopping block)

If the redirector kyeugh mentioned is town and has any relevant information - which, imo, includes not having redirected someone with relevant actions where there is a conflict that could be resolved via a redirect - I think they should definitely reveal. kyeugh, if the redirector doesn't reveal, I feel like you should probably reveal who they are because that seems a little bit suspicious to me?

I mean it would make sense in terms of flavor for my role to have presedence, seeing as a motion detector needs to set up and watch for any movement all night, so I wouldn't get accurate results if you healed before I set up.
This idea doesn't make any sense to me - what's the point of a motion detector who can't detect some motion?


@Herbe, I'm interested in why you believed at first that rari's result was tampered with n1 and not, like, that they were mafia trying to incriminate you? I can guess, but I don't want to assume when I can hear from you.

@rari_teh Can you talk to me about your end of day yesterday, and why you swapped off Mawile onto Stryke and Odie / didn't try to convince more people to go on Mawile? I'm not like, saying that you're lying - I don't know why you would in this situation, really - but your EOD just seems kind of hands-off about him, especially since at least kyeugh was interested in the wagon and it seems like you were convinced that Mawile was mafia. Also, can you walk me through if and how your positions on Stryke and Herbe's relative alignments to Mawile changed during the EOD?

@kyeugh I'm interested in "the info you mentioned at the last second yesterday" if you think it's appropriate to reveal. Unless that's just the redirector thing?

To be fair, I also had the issue of having to realize that my flavor text gave me Actual Important Information, so you're not alone there.
@Mawile - sorry, I don't understand the above post, can you explain? Also, could you explain your d1 post that was kinda shading Herbe - if Herbe was confirmed town to you, why was his focus on Mewtini weird?


@Eifie eternal 😁

inspect yourself

simple easy
I made this meme almost exactly two years ago (when I randed cop in a MFia, fittingly) and finally I get to use it

Alright, here's a hopefully exhaustive summary of unresolved mechanical or weird stuff. I would like to make an actual list/summary at some point unless someone gets to it before me.

I'll be back with non-mech stuff, like, at some point. I think the wagons should be Mawile/MF today pending more info.

Jack's flip: JackPK flipped not mafia on N0. ILS claimed to be doctor and flipped not mafia on D1. VM claimed D1 that his role is to inherit the first "non-mafia" to die. VM said D2 that he inherited White Mage, a doctor role. Negrek said D1 that Deadly Doctor was Jack's role, and D2 that White Mage was ILS's role.
— some possible resolutions: Jack was not mafia and an exception to VM's role; Jack wasn't "not mafia" even though he flipped that way; someone's lying

Mawile / Stryke motion detection results: Mawile claimed D2 to motion detect Herbe N0, seeing "no motion". Stryke claimed later D2 that he healed Herbe N0. Herbe claimed to be loverized to the first person to target him, and that he was loverized to Mawile.
— some possible resolutions: Stryke was roleblocked or redirected N0; Mawile's result was altered N0 and his action took priority for Herbe's lovering thing; someone's lying

rari_teh / MF cop results:
- Rari claims sane cop: N0 green on Ultracool, N1 red on Mawile, N2 red on M&F
- M&F claims possibly insane cop: N0 red on Mawile, N1 red on Negrek, N2 red on Keldeo
- Eifie claimed D2 that she had a N1 green on Mr. Ultracool (we don't know how)
— some possible resolutions: Rari is sane, MF is insane, either [MF's N0 Mawile result or Rari's N1 Mawile result was altered] or [MF gets all red all the time], and Rari's N2 MF result was altered; or someone's lying

Eifie's death: Stryke claimed he healed Eifie N2, Eifie died anway.
— some possible resolutions: healer clash on Eifie N2; Stryke was roleblocked or redirected N2; the kill on Eifie bypassed protection somehow; Stryke is lying

Death flavor: No one has been physically wounded. Jack died outside indignant, Boq died in his bed smiling, Eif died in an alleyway with a gun.

VM's whisper: VM claimed D2 to have gotten an anonymous message saying kyeugh isn't mafia. We don't know where it came from.

Mysterious Informant info: IndigoEmmy claimed D1 that the nanobot doctor (Stryke) and magic doctor (ILS->VM) don't get along, and we don't know what that means. Seshas claimed D1 that "mafia are pulling strings", and we don't know what that means. Odie_pie's info has been lost in time... like tears in rain...

Unflipped people's roles: We don't know them. According to Negrek, JackPK was Deadly Doctor, Boquise was A God Am I, Eifie was Vigilante Man, Odie was Mysterious Informant.
Oh, I never actually mentioned, I think my current assumption about the cop situation is that Rari is just a sane cop, Mawile/MF are just mafia, and Stryke is just the town doctor.

MF's claim does seem really involved, but I don't think that changes the fact that the above seems to be the simplest case...? If she is actually not mafia, I guess my next assumption would be that she gets red results all the time, and Rari is sane and got messed with on N2, so then Mawile is still mafia, since that also helps to resolve the Stryke situation, I think.
Also @kyeugh can you talk to me about how your previous rari suspicion meshes with the conflicting claims between them and MF? I'm coming at this from a previously pretty pro-rari stance, so would be interested to hear more on your take.

(not ordered within tiers)
Non-mech good feels: kyeugh, mewtini, rari_teh
Mech good feels: Negrek, VM, IndigoEmmy, Seshas, Ultracool, Stryke, maybe Ottercopter
Should probably be able to sort, but idk: kokorico, Panini, Mist1422
Less active folks: Flora, serimachi, RedneckPhoenix
Mech bad feels: Mawile (+ Herbe by association), MF

Feel like I have too many in the higher tiers, but not quite sure yet where I'd be wrong. Given only what we know now, probably lunching through the bottom tier for now and then reevaluating with whatever pops out? If someone strongly disagrees with something here, please talk to me about it.

Unfortunately I'm still pretty busy so I'm not sure how much I can do for the rest of the Day, but I'll try to be here.
Oh also, I was rereading Eifie's memefest overnight, and I remembered that RNP randomly volunteering information about his role is like, moderately greater than random chance to be town for him.
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