All is fair in love and war
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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
Same heredefinitely want to hear from Mr UC before doing anything else
As I have hinted at before, I am not merely Brycen, I am Brycen-Man, star of Pokestar Studios! Therefore my flavor is based entirely on Brycen-Man’s Pokestar Studios appearances and not at all on his Ice-type Gym. Full Metal Scanner is a reference to one of the movies Brycen-Man appears in, Full Metal Cop.@JackPK , how is "Full Metal Scanner" linked to your flavour? it doesn't seem very typical for an ice-type gym leader
As it turns meowth, I'm an idiot and submeowting an action completely slipped my meownd...@Mr. Ultracool , what was your result last night?
Let's see, now. It could be single mafia kill, sk, and vig firing all at once. You also pointed out lovers, could be fishers too. But judging from the night before, which also had multiple deaths, I think the flavor matters. Herbe and Hydrei were killed in two separate matters, but here, the three deaths were clumped up together, with evidence of a big fight. Assuming that none of these kills were from lovers, fishing, and nobody claims one, I'm going to bet they all died from the same source. It's possible it was some sort of scum Granny or Veteran, perhaps even in tandem with a scum redirector—in fact, I'm almost certain there's one of the latter in this game.@Zero Moment , hi, you've been pretty quiet! what're your thoughts on the causes of the deaths?
VM claimed (in #133 et al) to redirect actions from his target to himself, so most likely that factors into the fracas at least somewhat if not entirelyYikes, that's a lot of dead
Let's see, now. It could be single mafia kill, sk, and vig firing all at once. You also pointed out lovers, could be fishers too. But judging from the night before, which also had multiple deaths, I think the flavor matters. Herbe and Hydrei were killed in two separate matters, but here, the three deaths were clumped up together, with evidence of a big fight. Assuming that none of these kills were from lovers, fishing, and nobody claims one, I'm going to bet they all died from the same source. It's possible it was some sort of scum Granny or Veteran, perhaps even in tandem with a scum redirector—in fact, I'm almost certain there's one of the latter in this game.@Zero Moment , hi, you've been pretty quiet! what're your thoughts on the causes of the deaths?
Somemeow, that Flavor seems to indicate the meowve Earthquake, especially considering that it has apparently appeared in MeowFia games run by MF beforehand. Furthermeowre, it might have something in common with the last effect it had?You are IRIS. Your Pokémon of choice is HAXORUS.
"Know what? I really look forward to having serious battles with strong trainers!"
You are Mafia. You win when 50% of all living players are Mafia-aligned, regardless of whether you're alive yourself.
Your power is as follows:
-EARTHQUAKE: You haven't had many chances to let Haxorus really let it rip lately, but these people might just get you a good chance to show its full power! Each Night, you may target and kill a player, and if you successfully do so, no players can be protected against nightkills during the next Night as the aftershocks pound in. Only one mafioso can use their power in a given night.
Hmm, that's a good point, though I'm not sure how well that works with the hypothetical gran/vet. If it was complicated by VM, it's possible that the killerinstead had some kind of Rampage ability—that is, they attack a target and everyone who visits that target.VM claimed (in #133 et al) to redirect actions from his target to himself, so most likely that factors into the fracas at least somewhat if not entirelyYikes, that's a lot of dead
Let's see, now. It could be single mafia kill, sk, and vig firing all at once. You also pointed out lovers, could be fishers too. But judging from the night before, which also had multiple deaths, I think the flavor matters. Herbe and Hydrei were killed in two separate matters, but here, the three deaths were clumped up together, with evidence of a big fight. Assuming that none of these kills were from lovers, fishing, and nobody claims one, I'm going to bet they all died from the same source. It's possible it was some sort of scum Granny or Veteran, perhaps even in tandem with a scum redirector—in fact, I'm almost certain there's one of the latter in this game.@Zero Moment , hi, you've been pretty quiet! what're your thoughts on the causes of the deaths?
fwiw this existed in a previous MFiathey attack a target and everyone who visits that target
Zexion was Vivillon, with something of a dual experimental role. I don't remember the proper term for his nightkill power, but it also kills everyone who targets the victim (which, in retrospect, was way broken; there's a reason why this is usually handled as only killing whoever targets the target, and not the target themself)
I did use one of my abilities last night, but it didn't give me any insight into what went on there.anyway, i wonder if negrek used any of her powers today?
No change. I'm still not confident about my read, but my read is still that he's more likely mafia than town.@JackPK You also expressed suspicion of Bluwiikoon. Have your feelings there changed?
If town, Bluwii here is basically just telling the mafia that he "can do" something valuable and thus implicitly that they should kill him, which is kind of bafflingly counterproductive to me. If I read this with hypothetical-mafia!Bluwii in mind, though, it feels like a pretty straightforward attempt to divert scrutiny by trying to appear valuable, but in an ambiguous way (so as to avoid risking a counterclaim?).I'm conflicted about saying anything, because on one hand I could still be helpful, but on the other I have a sneaking suspicion that the mafia have figured out what I can doScary scary!
Objectively, to be honest, very similar. None of the reasons I was doubtful about him are any different from what they were yesterDay, and he hasn't done anything toDay to assuage them. I got a bit turned around earlier and confused myself by theorising about things that might have occurred during the night, but really, Jack has a point - Blu's worrying earlier about whether the mafia might have "figured out" his role doesn't make a great deal of sense for him to say aloud, if true.@kokorico You speculated yesterday that if Tofu was Mafia, Bluwiikoon likely was as well. How are you feeling about that now?