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The LGBT Club

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Oh dear frog god, I can't wait to see their reactions. I bet they won't shut up about it all weekend. :T


Ben will probably be "...NATHAN'S A GIRL??? oh well there's still Max"
and I have no idea how Melon will react

also who tf is Max
Ben will probably be "...NATHAN'S A GIRL??? oh well there's still Max"
and I have no idea how Melon will react

also who tf is Max

Lmao Ben
Also I am sort of scared of Melon's possible reactions D:

Lmao Ben
Also I am sort of scared of Melon's possible reactions D:


He's still there
I used to liek him
and then I began to think "wow he's a dick :("

But how Ben knows of his existance I'll NEVER know

also we may be spamming the shit out of this topic
All right, if anyone is willing, I need a little help.

There's this girl who I've probably mentioned a few times. She was my best friend when I was ten, and I realized a few months ago that I loved her. Now I'm thinking about getting back in contact with her, and I want to tell her how I feel. And, if that goes well, I want to ask her out. But, first things first; I'm quite sure she'll be freaked out by finding out I like her in that way, and I want to break it to her gently. But I don't know how to do that! Any suggestions? Pleeease help...


Well don't tell her right away, I mean like you haven't talked to her in ages
Try and become her friend again first before telling her how you feel, and when you do just like... I dunno really, I'm crap at telling people how I feel :B I just make huge hints lol

I could care less about my orientation. If I love a guy, I love a guy. If I love a girl, I love a girl. Plain and simple.

its gonna be hilarious when they see she's not a boy

I'm actually planning on doing that, except mine's going to involve nipple clamps, whipped cream and the dining room table.
We had fun terrorising younger kids at school. :D

'What are you doing in here?'
'Having sex.'
'Totally, maaate.'

And then we sort of threw loads of facts at them after a while, like saying:

'How many friends do you have?'
'UHH I don't COUNT them how sad do you think I AM'
'Over ten?'
'Then it's highly likely that at least one of your friends are gay. You're such a bad friend! :/'
'. . .*stunned silence*

Which reminds me of the other week, when someone was teaching us about jail in R.E., and the teacher said something like: 'So just imagine this situation. You're in a jail cell, and there's someone in there - he's been in jail six times before, has a gun hidden from the guards and even worse he's gay, haha now I bet you're going to be careful now!'

And then at the end of class I went, 'Sir, you do realise you just mortally offended at least three people in this room?' and he sort of went '...DON'TSUEME'

8D It was awesome~
HEEEEY YOU GUUUUUYS Look at me all posting in this after five days of it being dead. What can I say, I like this place. (Oh, I guess I should go 'I join' then. Huh.)

I got my hair cut, relevantly! Nice and short now, but I need it trimmed already because it's growing out over my eyes and a little low on my neck. And some cop apparently called me a boy yesterday, which is always good.

My mom keeps calling me strange names like Sage and Nick. Wtf.

And that's all I got.
Welcome back~
It's not the same without you D:
Your new hair sounds very cool; pictures!
Also - Nick is a good name. And Sage is a pretty good last name, too. Kinda weird as a first one, but awesome as a last one :D
Pictures hurr I love this game. And hats and look I smile. (funny -- the middle picture was taken on a different day but I was wearing the same shirt. I really like this shirt.)

Nick is ok but I don't really like sage. Mom just wants to call me Nick because my middle name is Nicole. Do you guys know how hard naming yourself is?

At one point mom tried to call me Sal. I would have none of that.

AND HAAAAY you two. c8
Aww, those are great. The smiley one is pretty, but I wouldn't be able to tell which gender you are in the first one :D

Hehe, Sal. J00 n00bs.

Also (I don't know why my posts are so fragmented today) your avatar oh-so-sligntly scares me.
I've got a whole book of names I want to call myself, but can't due to either 1) they're female names, or 2) they're foreign names or 3) my parents won't let me. So much for Vincent Rebecca Charlotte Manfred Tobias Lloyd Euphemia Hellsing Lichtenstein the Third. D:

also hi!
Greatest name ever. XD

And Danni -- awesome 8D That's the point.

And oh god i didn't even think of him
shorthair Verne looks like a male, longhair Verne looks like a female


also if I was ever a woman I'd name myself Emma. Because.
Your hat is ownage. It's a little hard to tell your gender.

As for me. I enjoy my life here in new york with my boyfriend. Being gay is fun. <3
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