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  • It's awesome because it's green omg

    Smeargle are pretty badass.

    verne's gonna win that jirachi
    I was going to planning to post under a whole new account in a game of "guess the guest poster" and see what happened. xD
    ah, okay. thanks for letting me know~ I was going to perform an experiment on another forum, but I guess now I'll have to use a new comp. :C
    It's helpful, yet hilarious. (Phosphate the sword! :O) Though I'd only need it for gems. Un-freezing all the dragons is no problem. I should go find my copy of Spyro now.....

    Ah. I'll watch it when I'm using something with flash support.
    I hope you don't find me weird for saying this, but you have a cool voice. :3 (I watched some of your LPs. The Spyro one is awesomeeee)
    I made you a moogle

    Ah man, that sucks :[

    ingame name is Chris, no fc, version's SoulSilver. C:

    thanks again :D
    metooth (feraligatr)-parappa (togekiss)-sykle (scizor)-tabu(persian)-ei (dragonite)-orpheus (tyranitar)


    Hope you're feeling better btw
    alright.. sorry to hear.

    anyways. the lineup.

    metooth (feraligatr)-parappa (togekiss)-sykle (scizor)-tabu (persian)-ei (dragonite)-stake (magmortar)
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