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  • oh uh!

    google images, under 'pooping pikachu.' it helps if you delete your history afterwards bwahaha

    also i still have not got that stupid problem fixed; it says the 'My Documents' folder could not be found and there's not much i can find on error checker ugh fml
    There's really only the slam battle thread and the stickied one. It takes some time before anything frickin' hilarioius shows up I guess.
    Really? I've never been. I figured it was too serious XP

    I can say that the awesomest section so far is the Introductions section, for me
    Oh yeah. The memorable thread section. Where all good threads go to die/after they die. It could be grouped with the quotes section.
    Yeah...people poke fun because it's like we're married or something. Neither of us are gay, so it's all in good fun, but I'm really attached to the dude.

    We need a Slam-Battle Forum, methinks.
    Eh. I'm not a venting person irl. And it's a coincidence that I have anything to vent about twice in a row.

    It was actually a totally useless post because about twenty minutes later he called back.
    D'aww :( Not as much as I'll miss you! Since I joined this place has become a pretty regular part of my life. It's pretty cool. I just hope I don't miss anything awesome. Like Karkat v. Oak or the Return of the Return of the Reutrnoftheking, and the other Cosmonauts.
    No worries at all.

    Just a reminder, this Sunday I leave for two weeks with zero internet access. It's in the DQ thread post I linked to, but I figured I'd make it easier so you don't have to dig.
    Well, the idea was to Chill if he's not in any impending danger. Which he would know, after the Dragon Dance Speed boosts on Kita and the Scary Faces making him that much slower. I don't really see a Counter as coming-straight-at-you attacking, since Louie would have to make the decision to attack before the Counter came up. And if Kita did nothing before that, Louie would know that he doesn't have any attacks coming at him, which was the condition under which to Chill.

    Again, I don't mind either way you ref it, I just thought I'd throw my opinion out there.
    Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Chowder and Homestar Runner. The story should use losing one's virginity as a plot device!


    So what's up?
    Every day I catalogue, in my journal, what I ate that day. Because I really like food a lot. I also add up how many times I've had that type of meal.
    ... I just realized that means that I've had deviled eggs for one hundred and twelve different meals, which means it's very likely that I've had more than six times that amount.
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