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  • *goes home*

    Haha, I'm probably just illiterate from being here at almost 5:30AM :V
    Well that's good :D as a college student at long last, I can honestly say that if things aren't looking up now, they will eventually. There's plenty of time.

    I would too, but I crashed a drivers' ed car so I have no confidence in my ability
    :O Noooooo don't do that! You're so awesome and cool, that would be bad :((( I'm still always around if you need to talk about anything!

    I was seventeen before I even took drivers' ed, I'm almost nineteen now and I still only have my temps >_<
    Oh I always hit "View Conversation" to make life easier. I really should learn where to find things here, it's been almost two years here for me.

    Fifteen and a half, that's old enough to drive! Presumably where you're from anyway (and I checked this time, ha!)

    Anyway mid-teens isn't really a time where progress happens. It's mostly a time for struggling through school and having as much fun as possible. Progress happens late in high school and in college, so don't sweat it :B
    Ah, putting my memory skills to the test here, let's see

    I'm gonna guess you're about fourteen? Close?
    Oh that's right I told people about that

    How's it going? Probably start with how the pretty-confident-I'm-a-girl thing worked out so I know whether or not to call you dude/man/bro >.>

    Oh, yeah, I've been trying to program... Java/JavaScript both confuzzle me, though. I was going to try out Python, actually!
    Haha, I've heard "wow you're back!" I reappeared on irc before here, and everyone was like "oh my god".

    I haven't heard that I'm a light in somebody's life, hahahah
    well, whichever works, i'd prefer pm or tumblr because signing into an im program is annoying 9_9 so just.. .send me a message wherever??
    ...! Who are you.

    *extensive post searching and name hovering*

    Hey, SomeGuy! How are you? :D
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