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Arylett Charnoa

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  • Oh, right, I think you told me that too xD Unfortunately my parents don't let me drink too much coffee.

    Oh, well, that's not too bad. But unlike your place, the teachers here don't really put them in order ;~;
    >: *pats*

    (True. It's just that...well, to deal with being bothered day after day, to never be taken seriously, you put up walls, you know? Real!Typh is pretty emotional, as evidenced by watching Monk one too many times. And sometimes I worry, since I go distant a lot, that if that's what I am.)
    Well, it's not far from 8:00, which was when I used to wake up. But... 6 is just woah. o.o How do you manage?

    What sucks even more about textbooks is that you get so bored you leaf through the stuff, then when it comes to answering questions you have to re-read it because you don't know the answers. Warrrrgh
    DD: *patpat* that's why I brought them up~ I usually have those on me, here's a jarfulla them.

    (...okay damnit I teared a bit D: Mainly because well...it reminds me of me, oddly enough. Except I'm not dead and all, and have retaliated before and stuff. I still get treated that way a lot, when I really think about it. It's cause I'm "creepy and "quiet" and a robot...

    I must be a faulty one then. Robots don't hurt much, do they?)
    I'm pretty sure you've told me that before, but... damn, that's really early. I wake up at 7:30.

    Worksheets are quicker, but they're more boring, too. And between the questions I usually look something up, check TCoD... and it drags on. OTL Reading textbooks is top on my list of most boring work ever, though.
    *does so* wait a second, should you ttell the rest of the Arylettopians about this? with the baby be a heir?

    (.. ;w; I found it on the TearJerker page on TVtropes. I think I know why know.)
    D: No you is not. You only get..odd cravings! Yes! Uhh although i tihnk that baby runs out of ...there so.

    (Yeah. But still, think about it. Out of all the ways to go I'd say this one's kinda..beautiful in its own little way. What d'you think it felt like, soaring up there? He was probably long gone by then, but still, soaring with all the stars and planets. I betcha no other bat's gone that high. It almost makes up for the broken wing.)
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