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Arylett Charnoa

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  • o: Cool. I am a...Phoonkat!

    Doggy! I has a doggy~ He be named Baxter. He doesn't go out much these days, unfortunately he's getting a bit old D: I've had him since I was 7, so. But he's a small dog, he'll stick around for lots :>
    Yussssss. 20 dollars? WAS WORTH ITTTTTT

    Penguinlett? 8D Covered in floofyhairs and sliding everywhere on yer belleh?


    I have a toy penugin. His name is Flighter.

    ...*cough* I, uhhhhh still need him...to..sleep sometimes. >>
    Nonono, I like my limping. I get a fucken flamecane outta the deal :D

    Makes me look like I'm going fast.

    SRSLY? Everything's Better With Penguins!
    I do mouse like...half. lolhalfassed coloring the blurring's...all over o:





    so wait like faaiive minutes~

    Oh, I'm liverfarked; i need a new one in oh say three years. If I don't...welll...I croak. don't panic, though; Money-wise, we're almost there annnnnd nothing bad has happened so *far*. However combine this with Torrette's. (Neurons in my brian fire randomly. I stutter and have hand tics, way more noticalble in digital, but I try and fix it.) and you have a notpleased Typh.

    IT'S VERY NEARLY DONE. either today or tommorow~
    Well, it's impressive x3

    Yeah, I..I know. People tell me that all the time. I have noticed a change in drawing for the past few months, I have. Iunno, it's..actually rare, me showing people drawings cause in rl they be all hidden and yeaaaah. I *really* enoy drawing though, like a lot. mostly cause I have to deal with immature idgit twelve year olds (I'm in seventh. Liver incident. missed a year. But this is an advanced class so it orta makes up for it :>) so I draw practically all the time.. So many staaaains D:

    lolwut. It's technechally spelled with two n's for most people, buuut...I like it this way better~ That's me dad's last name, yupyupyup. Although after a bit, the intial proda and Cairo jokes pile up and....AHDJADJDSFHSNAAAARRKKKBOOOOLE.

    I HAVE DONE THAT~ And it looks pretty good, now to finish the lineart and color~
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