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Arylett Charnoa

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  • And he's one of the 'most boring'. According to the girls, but ppppft ew children my age ><

    Also, I noticed ur science teacher (Mr. O'D) can get kinda creepy. Some mook was messing around in his room, and reached for this testube thing, right? He was all like:

    "I wouldn't do that if I were you.

    ...you are aware we are in a place of science, right? As in...oh, Iunnno, supuric acid handguns, crazy inventions like that~*chuckle*"

    The guy ran xD

    Also, Mr. o'D's a 5'6 scrawny kinda guy . Which makes it all the more epic.

    Also sorry to be slwo in responding. Typh got run over by a bike and her left arm's missing skin.>:
    You were saying how we should both make ten big buckets of custard and have a massive custard fight with each other.
    Aw Atty left! T_T

    Even though I knew it was coming I still got upset. Let me know when Faf is allowed to look for her so you don't feel ignored okies?

    *wipes teary eyes*
    :DDDD Yaaay.

    (That fails. But at least your classmate's aren't complete monsters that do unspeakable things D:< I get along better with teachers, cause almost all the male teachers are TV geeks. Case in point:

    *Our Social Studies teacher, Mr. C sometimes talks about yesterdays TV shows*
    Him: So guys, see Smallville lastt night?

    Me: *mutter* Naaah.


    Me: House and Lie to Me :I

    Him....you're redeemed .. *starts lesson while kinda juggling this ball*
    *gets out a ukulale, some makeshift arrows, and a spork*


    (Yupyup *nods* Apperently, a lotta people get to do this. Surskittty's class launched them at each other o:)
    We have writing prompts at the beginning of the day see, and today's was to write a narrative about popcorn that wouldn't stop popping.
    I wound up writing a four-page epic about watching B-movies on a dare, the popcorn not stopping, and it culminated in you fighting Repairmanmanman in an Org. XIII cloak with a holy silver battle axe, and ended the two of us and my teacher watching "Plan Nine From Outer Space" while eating chili-flavored corn.
    It was beautiful.
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