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Black Yoshi
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  • It annoys me that people poke fun at that scene. Poor Trunksie had a little panic attack! Everyone's allowed to have an occasional freakout, right?
    Yeah... I gotta go steal my mother's Kindle. My regular computer won't handle Youtube videos any longer than Trunks goes insane.

    I started freaking out, and my friend said "what's TFS?"

    I said
    oh gawd
    Sorry for posting on you so much, but I laughed so hard when I saw your signature
    "This signature doesn't deserve a spot under my post! But I suppose it would make a good coaster FOR MY DRINK!"
    characters defined by extremism don't tend to work unless well-justified, I thought I'd note. obviously evil, likewise -- they work better with /some/ redeeming qualities; otherwise they become more plot device than character.

    or, well, in short, don't one-dimensionalise your villains. it makes them boring. and usually act stupid. which is boring.
    Haha, Phaoroh's Throne~
    What's funny was that I was listening to Telephone almost right before I saw that.

    EDIT: Oh HEY. Another reserve~
    Eh... I think I'd prefer human hands touching my sandwich instead, actually. Much more sanitary.
    But of course, mind slave. I am Marik, the very girly ukelele! And you are Steve! Ehahahahaha!
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