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Black Yoshi
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  • And here I was, thinking I was forever alone in my fear.
    I'm anxious for this to start! *jumps up and down*
    Me. too.
    Because I don't want to screw up and mess up and do something wrong and asdfervbifbjk
    Yeah, it's more or less even right now.
    All we need at this point is for reserves to finish their forms so we can start ;.;
    Hee hee, I guess not. :D She can be all uptight around Kaskae in the beginning because of it, though. :3c
    Adelé: *snorts* Lee can screw himself snotless for all I care.
    And really, what do you know? What good are you, Kaskae?!
    *hmphs, then turns on heel and walks off*

    ((Clapclapclap, that went well.))
    Adelé: Pfft. Yeah, I did, because anytime we'd ever get caught, the punishment would be split instead of me having to carry the whole thing myself.

    And yes, that's where I planned on going. I know it's colder there. That's the whole reason I planned on going there. So I can train in more challenging conditions.

    To hell and back I have a damn clue what I'm doing! I had it all planned out from the beginning. But now, I just have to help you out so I can manage to get there easier or however the hell a stupid Lizard Dog will make the trip better. ... You know what, screw it. I can find a Lizard Dog in this city without you and be on my way.
    ((That was my reaction, too, which is why I thought it was funny. His face, man, his face was so pitiful it was funny.))

    Adelé: You're the one that needs me. You said so yourself. Remember that whole discussion about setting up a fail-safe for your brothers? Yeah.
    And my plan is...
    *shakes her hand*
    Look, I don't really need that Lizard Dog, anyway. I can just take a boat if I need to. You know, sneak in on one of those boats that head all the way over to the Northen Water Tribe. That'd be a great place to train. So really, I don't need your help anymore. I could do that myself.
    (( X3 I was laughing the whole time he was crying. It was hilarious.))

    Adelé: *eye roll*
    Well, in that case, you're going to have to repay it a hundred times more if you want my help. And I'll be as vague as I want when answering you, thanks, because I know it annoys you.
    Adelé: *snorts*
    Lighten up, asshole. It'll be fun enough. And what do you mean, "I'd be like this?" Is there something wrong with the way I function? It always seem to follow through in the end, does it not?
    ((EDIT: My whole day was clear since I just got back and nothing was planned, and it was rainning, so I spent the whole day watching LoK. Including the finale and all. BOLIN FOR THE WIN.))

    Adelé: Ah... Somewhere...
    *shakes her head*
    Stop asking so many questions! You'll know once we're there.
    Adelé: *snort* You didn't ask for specific, you asked for an answer. I know what we're doing, but I'll fill you in once we get there. It shouldn't be too difficult.

    ((Yosheh....... It's 2:30 in the morning for me, so I might just have it worse than you. D: But I'll watch for forms, I'll try to be on in the morning, if I don't sleep in, that is, and *falls over*))
    Adelé: Well, we're going to set a fail-safe for your brothers to get away, just like you said. That's what you wanted, right?
    Adelé: The worst time? Right now would be the best time if I could happen to run into one of his officials and spar against him! They're probably scattered across the whole world right now, and in addition to kicking their asses, I could save a boat-load of non-Benders from getting killed!
    ... *sighs* But I guess I have no choice but to help you first, now do I?
    *glances around, then sets off again*
    C'mon. We've got work to do so Paka doesn't get himself locked up.
    I reserved for your new RP. I can't decide between a fire bender and a non bender.
    Adelé: *eyes narrow, shrugging off his hand*
    I've told you for days now—weeks, even, how much I want to leave this place. How many times have I went over this, Kaskae? I want to see more than just this city, you know that. I want to train in different terrain and face new dangers to make me stronger. And right now might be my only chance to make a clean escape.
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