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Black Yoshi
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  • Gracias. Found it on lolcats, laughed for five minutes, decided to share it with the TCoD world.
    Well I mean guns are a major gamechanger in combat (they're probably terrible if the world's never seen them before, but we have precedent in that biplanes went from nonexistent to pretty good in basically no time at all) so it'd be fair enough if you'd wanted to keep them out of the RP even disregarding whether or not it makes sense. Pretty sure that's what LoK's makers were doing.

    But anyway, do the two factions have names?
    You are a smart man, good sir.

    Adelé: My point exactly. That's why you're coming with me before this whole city goes under.

    Adelé: Screw logic, I'm doing it anyway. You can come with me, or stay here. Your choice.
    The only problem is we haven't started yet, so I can't properly think and shape it to how Kaskae might react to happenings! D;
    That sounds great! :D I think we have people to rope into the third position too, if it exists--but no confirmation on that so far, I haven't talked to them.
    Hmm... I think I could trust those two. Three slots could be good for Kanzan's side, and we could allow Blood Bending and Metal Bending if our side gets overpowered. And they can be "EXTREMELY skillful benders," yes. :3

    I mean, as long as it's not too many people, I'm okay with it. I just down want it to be you and me vs. everyone else, you know?
    Hmmm... Well, I dunno. I mean, yeah, it's gonna end up in one side losing and one side winning. Some peoolw on the losing side might not be happy with the outcome... And it really is confusing, too, because there will be posts of events at both places in one thread, and that could lead to confusion.
    Personally, I'd think letting people join Kanzan's side would be great, but it'd be difficult to coordinate all of it together. So... I don't really think we should let them, just for the sake of people not getting lost and having to change their posts left and right, but it's really up to you.
    Bro fist~
    Disturbed is the bomb diggity. In fact, out of all the metal bands I listen to, it has to be the one I love most.
    Double bro fist~
    Hey, in your Avatar RP, would you consider allowing people to play on Kanzan's side? Particularly Kusari and I, if it matters, but keeping it open for everyone would be cool.


    Oh hey. Please tell me that I'm not the only one who noticed the voice differences. Kami wasn't weezy, and I think King Kai sounded less... Fishy. Like he no longer was fish god.
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