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Black Yoshi
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  • We are both very inspirational people, evet.
    But HEY, we could actually make that work if it was a series of fluffy moments leading up to a mental breakdown. Though that'd be like a side-plot or something.
    I know. I mean, one second they're all brisk with each other, and then if that happened, and all the mushy crap happened, they'd turn from curt to soft.
    And I was like NO.
    Hm. And he's not considered a radical by his own cause? Is there at least a more moderate, more popular form of the social reformation movement going on?
    It'a frustrating because I can't think of a moment that could actually bring them that close.
    I mean, not counting if Adelé had a mental breakdown and Kaskae was there to comfort her, but still.
    I will!
    *dramatic music and cool pose*
    ... Oh, god, Yoshi
    I was just thinking of Addie and Kaskae's friendship again
    Only at the end it was more than a friendship.
    Wait, is Kanzan a criminal? I was getting the impression he was just the head of a semi-popular but legal movement.
    Yeah, I'll go ahead and post it in a few minutes.

    Ah... I've never seen it, but I'm currently on an iPod, and YouTube won't let me open it. (I managed to see what it was, though, by opening it in Safari on YouTube instead of using the app... It's confusing what my tactics are)

    EDIT: Ah, okay. I'll make a note of that.
    So, er, is your party not known to Kanzan and such? It'd be odd to get the order to hunt you down if we don't know you exist. Though not knowing you exist would make more sense from the standpoint of you being a group of presumably teenagers who have yet to actually make a dent in any of Kanzan's plans, so.
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