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Black Yoshi
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  • New comparison, lol:

    If Connor was a leaning Christmas tree.

    Or if he was a... Blaziken morph, as strange as that sounds.
    It's like...
    Okay, I'll make a random comparison.
    If Connor happened to be a Christmas tree, the smile would be the star.
    That... Was totally epic foreshadowing
    And I can't wait... Crap ;~;
    Why am I so impatient. Honestly.
    Average day? :3
    I just remembered that song...
    Heehee. I see how that fits, obviously.

    I got bored while in the car today, so...
    I searched my iPod for songs.
    And fwee, I found some that fit the situation!

    Celest's Theme: Drunk on Shadows

    Conner and Celest's Theme: Whispers in the Dark

    ... Yeah. I admit it: I'm obsessing over this. ;_;
    Strangely enough, my first impresion of Connor when I saw him in that picture was Inuyasha, and before I saw the ears on Celest I was wondering if that was Kagome or not ;_;
    I guess I'm just that senseless sometimes. (Then again, considering it was at ten o'clock at night in my time when you sent it... I kind if died after staying up til two the previous night. x3)

    *Fangirl death*
    I love it I love it I love it
    It's awesome! Thank you so much for doing it! :3 :3 :3
    Yesh. Very mushy.

    Damn, man, I stayed up until two o'clock in the morning replying to it ;_;

    AND AND I dunno why, but whilst thinking of them, the only song that came to mind was Moves Like Jagger. ... And then, at that, I began to laugh. Uncontrollably. X3
    Oh, god, live-action would ruin everything ;_;
    I would cry in the corner for days on end.
    Anime, though, would be cool. :3 I'd watch it.
    Hell yes, brother. N and Touko. I just love it.

    God, we're so corny. XD
    Modern fairytale, fwee!
    Dark is fun, dearest. >:D
    You know, now that I think about it...
    This is one of the funest roleplays I've been in. Period. That being said, I hope we roleplay together in the future! Your characters are fun, so far.
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