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Black Yoshi
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  • Oh gosh I forgot about that! Thanks! I actually drew her earlier this week, I'll have to get it uploaded soon ;D
    If you want, you can just make her have her blond hair, becuase I just drew it out...and blonde hair looks better than bald...Should I edit the post where she lost hair? Because I think blonde hair is better now...

    And if drawing her bald is too much, just draw her with long blond hair.
    She's humanoid, though her skin is blue and she has a shell and her hair was cut off (Blond does not go with blue skin).
    I find his tongue to be scary as well.

    Oh, speaking of which, I told Kuchiki Celest's full name: Celestia Jacklyn Backwater.

    ^ Beast
    They were going to name him Flourence. ;_;
    ( They= his parents)

    On an unrelated note, Melvin is hunting you down. Hes going to give you a hug. Hope your name isn't Steve.
    It won't be a problem, I assure you. :3
    I wonder if his hair is really that fluffy, because if so, it might make a good pillow. Tee hee. ... Then again, using hair as a pillow is a fairly scary thought...
    *Visions a large white mound of hair as a pillow, shivers*

    Well, I haven't searched for one (yet), but I don't think there is one. And it's nice to know that it's possessing you. You've joined the Dark Side! >:3
    Two subjects:

    1. Please post in the Rp. If it isn't your turn, please make an effort to get our comrades to post.

    2. How's the image coming?
    Hey, I like the message about DBZ kai in your signature. It was my introduction to the series, and I feel the same way. Thank you.
    Still trying to think of a logical reason for her to do so...

    ... I got a somewhat reasonable one now.
    Okay, so if Connor and Logan do fight, what if it set off a panic attack in Celest, pushing her to end it all completely? I dunno if it would work, though... :/
    I might post in a bit saying Celest sensed Logan or something to move things along.
    Meh, I dunno what to say in response to Logan's... isolation.

    Think you can help?

    AND AND I had an idea.
    What if, for God knows what, Celest decided to commit suicide, and our dear hero Connor had to talk her out of it? Meep, this just popped in my head after watching a YouTube video of a song about that, so O_O
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