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Black Yoshi
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  • Heh, I'll check it out!

    Yeah, I haven't seen many RPs around... a pity I probably won't have the time to join even if I want to right now. >>
    *pokes at* Hey, it's been a while.

    How are things? *lame attempt at starting conversation is lame*
    I think the eyes and a bit of their posture. Girls tend to stand with. Their weight on one hip, looking slightly to the side.
    ooooooooh yeah. He's in for a harsh wake-up call once they set the ocean...
    *bursts out laughing* Xhan, you are going to make this fun. Pretty much all the ghost pirate here can twist you into a pretzel
    Kiri's is pixie-cut, Miaes's is waist-length. You can make it digital, but I don't care much.
    Just the humans. I'd like them drawn separately and I like the way you do the people in your art thread. The personality summary can be the personality section of the form. Did that make sense?
    Pirate Ming doesn't have one...at the moment. She may need one later, who knows.
    *snicker* Uh, Yoshi. The Ming you know is Miyu or "Ming-Yuuka". This one is based after her Granny and is actually the first Ming of my created. A bad-ass woman with a metal arm with claws and can kick your ass from here to Pluto.

    ...I think i have a picture of Pirate Ming somewhere from when I used her on another forum *looks through files*

    Old pic
    Older pic
    I don't really have any particular dimensions in mind,you can do whatever you want with it.
    Also, I changed my mind -can you draw it digitally? (unless you're almost done or don't need to)
    I've been crippled by a writer's block and a major Minecraft addiction.

    Not a good combination.

    I'll see to get to it, don't worry.
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