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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • If you say so, dearie.

    In the same way you use cans that aren't cans.


    Does that mean turkeys are deadlier than cassowaries? Because if snow leopards are to housecats and cassowaries are to turkeys, and housecats are deadlier than snow leopards...
    ...For the love of Christ. This is what Pokeballs would look like in real life/a live action movie. Just...

    I don't usually like to use emoticons like this, but words do not express it:

    Aaaaah. I must've forgotten. I've never used my real name in RPs, it'd just feel too awkward, ahaha.

    Ultra Balls are superior. They're black and yellow.
    Aha! Your name somehow fits too. I had a strange feeling that was it, but I don't know how I knew. Psychiclett powers?

    What's so fantastic about them? They're all... ugly and blue with red bumps.
    Which I bet you won't tell me even though you know mine now. Ahaha.

    How's it... fitting?

    Great Balls so ain't great, man.
    Ahaha. I know.

    Superfluous? You're the ones who removed them because you couldn't be bothered with them! Silly fools.
    Southern Illinois. Some people don't even count it as the South, but to be honest it might as well be Arkansas.
    Ah. That's like a giant turkey, then.

    Turkeys are like miniature feathery dinosaurs. Or feathery miniature dinosaurs. That tastes delicious.
    Similarly we have all been given the view that you all waddle around with annoying floral shirts that are far too small for your gargantuan stomachs, munching on hamburgers wherever you go and speaking in sentences composed merely of basic connectives and the words "Yeehaw" and "Ya'll". You also all go to church, no exceptions; Church is a place where you eat hamburgers while talking to Jesus, the holy Bringer of Hamburgers.
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