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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • The filling ended up going fine, in case you were wondering. You were right, I suppose, my gums are quite numb.
    It is. In my world you are whatever you want to be, unless I decide you're not.
    Hm, I see! ... I actually want to make that into a character of sorts, hm.

    That is good to hear, my homie!
    So Blastoise! Ignoring the fact that you have actually seen what I look like, what do you imagine me like? :DDD

    (also we haven't talked for way too long how have you been~~)
    Well, how much is that? I mean, Michelle Obama probably wants to sex him a lot?
    Wait... do you mean no more than you want to sex anyone else, or no more than anyone else wants to sex Obama? >>;
    ... ew.

    My statement holds true. If he is the sexiest thing then you must want to sex him.

    Well, saying someone is quantifiably sexier than any known substance, including people/things you would actually possibly want to have sexytimes with, leads me to believe you have a legitimate crush on him.
    You can totally hit a darkrai with a suitcase, it would just kill you for it. Plus, I don't need to, because darkrai and I are biffles. SOULMATES YO. Me and the lord of darkness, ain't nothing sexier.
    "So I tend to picture ASBers in my head a certain way.

    I picture you as a faceless person in white-grey clothing, with a calculator in hand and a constant hum of factchecking and rule-exploitation. You should take this as a compliment."

    how do you picture me go

    this is not stalking also go write up some of those appeals
    Yes, they're all so perfect~
    So white and pearly~
    Brush, gargle, RINSE
    A couple breath MINTS

    My shiny teeth and me~
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