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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • I don't know how a violent exchange of random moves can lead to baby-making. Unless they settle for joining forces and focusing towards turning Goldenrod City into Blackeneddust Ruins.
    I shall soon see to it that my Mankey keeps fooling around and gets a Magma Storm coming.

    Nobody is going to say "Magnet Train" ever again once we're done.
    You and this zany city shall both fall to my great grasp.

    *takes and sips* many thanks.

    It is. :3 I love looking into Pokemon lore and stuff. It's so cool and fun.

    So you got any ideas for characters and such? You can have several, and they can all be members of different factions if you want, and your options as for species are only limited by Legendaries (Rotom and Phione are not legendaries :|), and the fact that we don't (currently?) accept human characters.
    *shrugs* hey you can come to the xat some time (when we're all online, anyway!) to discuss changes; we're very open to ideas from you guys.

    It pretty much boils down to the fact that's she's a controlling little brat who whines when she doesn't get her own way and is more worried about her PWESHUS MANGA OMGZ than how much the players are having. Though that was a terrible timeframe for most of us (moony cried and I made myself ill from stress and hate) so I don't like talking about it :/
    It went down in PMs and i don't really wanna get into it :V but yeah. Trust me on this one.

    Hey it's a fun bit of flavour text; it'd be kinda awesome to have a 10, 000 year old Wartortle around.
    It's better tho, you can be whatever you want, and it's not run by a total hag! 8D it's...been a bit dead for a while. I think we need more members to spice it up. You gunna join?

    Oh bite me, Alarik is a real last name :C
    Cheater!! xP

    I might have to edit his active squad. I didn't look over it well enough to know who can learn metronome, but I cut the last two of his members cause he had 12 active when you're only supposed to have 10. So... yeah, I dunno what's going on with that. I'll let him figure out if he's fine using what I listed or not.
    Okay, I hope I got everything set up correctly. >_>

    Now um... before it starts, let me just clarify: Can you only use metronome, or do you just post some random post to acknowledge it's your turn, and then the move is just random? Cause either you guys seem to have too few pokemon who know metronome, or more pokemon can learn it than I thought. :P
    Pffft. You and Mike VM'd me around the same time about the same thing.
    You know, I've never done one of these before, should be fun. Methinks I'll go pick it up. Might be a few hours before I get the first round up though, if you both post tonight. I got a lot of people trying to talk to me all of a sudden... which is honestly not common. o.o
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