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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • To be honest, I wasn't sure. I haven't checked the waiting battles yet. I only took Kam and Patar's battle because I'd happened to see them both active and recognized the names on the list. Oh, and cause the arena was fairly simple... I tend to be a bit absentminded so complicated arenas might cause me to forget to check for one of the arena's effects or something Why, you have one you'd like me to do? :P
    I'm sorry... D: I just.... well, really have no life, so I sit online most of the day. They post orders, so I'm like "ooh, I should get that done." Don't worry though, that battle is finished. I was gonna take another, though...
    er well...? It's hard to explain, I guess.

    You'd have to read the info threads as i am useless ^^;
    Oh, no, that's not where I found it There's this forum I go to where people were discussing that advertisement and that's how I found it.

    It's be sad if that advertisement were playing down here. :(


    I caught up with Awkward Zombie just tonight. Also, I enjoy Lackadaisy.
    Beer For My Horses.

    Take all the rope in Texas
    Find a tall oak tree
    Round up all of them bad boys
    And hang 'em high in the street
    For all the people to see

    If you say any string of words that's been in a song ever it'll probably make me think of that song. For example, "I love it" = Poker Face
    eugh there's enough of that here already. x_x I can't imagine being a closet atheist being any more fun in Alabama. Last time I was down there was just passing through though, so I probably slept through getting lynched.
    It's totally ballin'!

    Actually I hate it, the only reason I wouldn't move is I'm really clingy to my friends. ):
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