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Blastoise Fortooate

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  • It's got nothing to do with my boyfriend (unlike my grr thread post saying we might break up) but rather my cousins who don't respect my introversion and it just made me feel lonely.
    Yeah, the art in Gunnerkrigg does look much better than I remember. I really like the design of that Coyote spirit guy.
    I'm going to try and get active again, and I'm sure I'll accomplish that...eventually.
    Yeah yeah! That was their name.
    I wonder if they still have a spriting forum floating around somewhere that I'm unaware of...
    Sorry but I'm taken ;c
    Yeah that was from an old sprite forum that existed and died and came back and died and came back and died again. Like... Medical.. Mecc...a... that Medical person with Buster from Arthur as their avatar, it was their forum, and they had contests and a fakemon starter contest was one of them. It was like... rock-flying-grass or something. I think.
    Haha, thanks!

    Oh, I've been meaning to start reading that comic for a while. I've heard a lot of good things about it.
    O: oooh, yes please!!

    ...hey while your at it, could i trouble you for some gear sprites in bronze, silver, and gold? when I have tablet again i can draw you stuff in exchange.
    Some people do and some people don't... It's a really good remix of the Old Chateau music I found on furaffinity... I didn't want to link directly to it on fa because furries make some people uncomfortable, but half of the people get 403 errors (it's not related to whether or not you have membership either). Think I should just link to it on fa? :/
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